the chair appointed the following architects as a committe on contracts. Geo. E Dickey, A.O. Watson, Nat'l Tobey on motion of J.J. Kane of Fort Worth. Mr [E. T. Refield?] was admitted as an honorary member by the association.
The following resolution was offered by J. J. Kane of Fort Worth
Resolved - By the Texas State Association of Architects that the Galevston Journal of Commerce and Building records be adopted as the official organ of the assoc.
Wednesday Evening
The association was called to order at 2 P.M. President W.C. Dodson [?] the chair.
The auditing comm. reported the statements of the Treasurer correct and on motion of Bush McDonald the report was received.
The comm. on uniform contract between clients and architects submitted their report together with a form of contract and on motion of J.J. Kane seconded by James Wahrenberg the report and uniform contract was adopted and the committe continued
J.J. Kane chairman Executive Committee submitted the following report
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