Never tender our services to a man that we know is a client of another. Stop all backbiting, shuns and sneers, and above all things, don't speak slightly or unkindly of one because he was once a mechanic and is not in our eyes a professional architect, because he has not passed through a full professional course.
If I am rightly informed, some of these men have risen to eminence in our profession as well as many others. I think we should abandon all this as unprofessional. We should set examples for other to follow. This calls to mind something that happened many years ago.
A little boy was amusing was amusing himself with his playthings and at one attracted his mother's attention and among other things said: "Mama, if I live to grow up to be as good a man as my papa I will be satisfied." That mother took this to the father and said: - "You see now, your boy's eyes are on you, do you see the example you must set?"
Gentlemen, that father never forgot the warning. That little boy has grown to manhood, and today holds a fine position is getting a splendid salary and is a comfort to his parents in
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