They will desire to know something of the new who formed the Association of Architects in Texas. Let us leave then an honorable reputation of our actor record. Let those who read our record in after years know that we of the present day had a proper regard and were fully impressed with the honors and true dignity of our profession; and when in after years wealth and population has dotted our sunny slopes and broad plains with beautiful and populous cities, let the architect of those times as he turns over the page of our record of today, let him see that we did all that was possible for the true dignity of our profession in our time as just on honorable men, men who will know architecture, like other art, did not spring into life and existance with all its beauty - with man creation; it was a child of slow growth. No traces remain of the steps by which the beautiful temples of Egypt, nor the grand, magnificent halls of Persia and Assyria were devoted from this rude beginnings. The earliest known structures of those countries belonging to an age considerably advanced in
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