and one little annoyances, as common to his calling as to every other;
so he takes as little heed of them as may be.
In the not very distant past the domain of Art in this country was
occupied almost exclusively by foreigners. The natives of the soil were
too busy tilling it and making crops by the sweat of their brows to give
much time to luxuries. As a consequence the arts flourished with a
foreign accent. Less than fifty years ago the greater portion of the
buildings in this country were designed by foreigners, while to-day
these re-united States occupy as conspicuous a place in the domain of
fine art as any country in the world. The accumulation of wealth by
the older generation, as a reward for their constant toil and steady habits,
gave to their children the advantages of better education, facilities for
travel and a contact with the outer world, which has resulted in an im-
proved race, with minds expanded and enlarged, filled with the love of
the beautiful, and purses equally well filled for gratifying their improved
tastes. The results are to be seen everywhere in the beautiful and costly
buildings which have sprung into existence, so that few countries can
boast of superior. The fine arts are cultivated and flourish to an extent
hitherto unknown, and if they go on at the same rapid and American
pace for another half century, this country will be the most magnificent
--and let us hope, the best--on top of the globe.
We now come to the tail, or last part of our subject.
What, the Architect, does he want? Or, in the expressive language
of the divine, What is he roaring about?
He wants recognition as an artist and as a scientist; he wants to be
placed in his rightful position before the public he desires to serve. He
wants to work for fame as fortune. Wealth is not everything in this
life; a little well fed and well feed pride and vanity is very acceptable
now and then, and very often the best efforts and best qualities of a man
ere brought out by a little--ever so little--well-timed praise and com-
He wants to be believed in and trusted; he wants his client to feel
that in employing him his best interests will be subserved, and his work
faithfully performed. He wants to be as promptly paid for his services
as a mechanic is for his; and moreover, he wants the same rights as are
given the mechanic, a lien upon the building his patience and skill have
caused to be erected. While his modesty may be too great to admit of
his forcing himself into prominence, he wants to feel that he is some-
body, and then he will be somebody ; let him feel that anybody can be
he, and he will soon be nobody, if he has any pnde at all about him;
and when he has finished his work and indulges in a commendable
pride upon surveying his own creation, he wants to have the full credit
of the design; and not have the wind taken out of the sails by such ex-
pressions from the secretly gratified owner, "Oh, well you know I
designed the building myself, but just got my architect to put it in shape
for me." Yes, I often wonder when I am compelled to listen to such
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