


Status: Needs Review


everything else, architecture coming in for its share of the genus.

A young man with a little smattering of drawing and a big spattering
of ambition suddenly rushes to the front, opens an office, hangs up his
shingle, and blows his horn to such good purpose, thata patron is forth-
coming much earlier than to his more intelligent and better qualified
rival, the rara avis before alluded to, and for half the usual fees he
serves his client, and generally serves him out. But what can you ex-
pect for two and a half per cent? After a few years of practice and the
ruination of several unfortunate speculators, he in time acquires a
respectable knowledge of the business he only professed to know, has
made a living, and goes on his way rejoicing. But in the meantime he
has done much mischief to the profession.

No wonder then, with such an experience, if the despoiled client should
feel somewhat aggrieved, and telling his tale of woe to others, warn
them from the evil door.

As a remedy for this unfortunate condition of affairs, I would suggest
that all of our best efforts be used in getting the profession of architect-
ure placed on the same platform with that of divinity, medicine and law,
whose professors are not permitted to practice until they have under-
gone a rigid course of study, passed an equally rigid examination, and
then properly certificated that they are what they profess to be. The
would-be architect would then be stimulated, if not compelled to read
up and work for his degree, and it would bring with it not only educa-
tion, but an amount of respect for the profession and of the profession
which never comes to it now.

Having disposed of the head of my subject, I am led, as a matter of
course, to the body, or second division:

2nd. Where, the Architect, does he come from?

He comes from anywhere and everywhere. There is no land under
the sun where an architect may not be found. He is of every clime,
every nationality, all sorts and all sizes; and is as necessary to the com-
fort and well-being of mankind as food and clothing.

It would be impossible to enumerate the number and variety of styles
which emanate from this vast number and variety of genius, as he made
his advent on earth with Adam, the first man, so he will be the last to
take his leave, if he ever leaves at all.

So yousee, he is somebody of consequence. And if a necessary evil,
he is also a long abiding one. You and I may estimate him at his true
worth, but we want the public to be equally sagacious and well-informed.

Time was, when the architectand builder were one, but with the in-
creased demand for civilization the one was one too few. The architect
could not find time to plan and build likewise, so a division of labor be-
came necessary, the artist and designer became the architect, and the
constructor and mechanic the builder; much to the advantage of the
employers of both and to the profit of all. Thus the architect evoluted
into existence, and might spend a very pleasant one but for the thousand

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