which resulted in the election of Mr. L. F. Goodrich as the
Upon the motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich, who placed the
name of Mr. Tinsley in nomination for the office of Secretary
and Treasurer, the Secretary was requested to cast the vote of
this Chapter, which resulted in the election of Mr. W. P.
Tinsley as Secretary and Treasurer.
Mr. Bruce was then escorted to the chair, and addressed
the meeting as follows:
Gentlemen of the Convention :
In assuming the duties of President of the Southern Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects, which we have today organized, I do so with hesitancy, choosing rather that some one else of our number should have been selected, yet at your unanimous call I yield my modest preferences, and promise to do all in my power to elevate the profession of architecture in the South, and to promote the building up of our Chapter, hoping and believing that the initial step which we have taken today may prove beneficial to all of us, and to many others whom we hope will cooperate with us.
Although our numbers are few, and the future seems dark, still we have the promises and encouragement of a large number of our prominent brothers throughout the South, who have consented to record their names as members of this Chapter. It should be the pleasant duty of each and every member to cherish and foster this youthful adventurer upon the public domain, and by their skill and talent direct it into the proper channels, and so assist the officers, one and all, to lift high the standard of our profession and heartily support them in everything looking to the advancementof the varied interests we, as a body, represent; and now let me call your attention to a few thoughts which have
been uppermost in my mind for several years.
1st. The education ofthe student in every department of science by a thorough study of the practical, in combination with the theories on which our profession is based.
2d. To prepare them in the broad school of honest dealing with both
client and contractor.
3d. A proper standard by which they can be examined by a board of experts, recommended as a State Board, which will endorse them before the world as competent to disburse the large funds, placed in their hands, to the satisfaction of those employing them.
4th. To elevate the profession in the Southern States and interest the executive authorities, so that before the courts and juries we can show that we are worthy of our hire, and in this way impress our business and professional calling on the mind of all, pro bono publico.
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