Status: Needs Review
Geo. E. King applied for admission 1888
J. R. Gordon '' '' '' 1889
Armstrong '' '' '' 1889
Measer '' '' '' 1889
H. Fred Muller '' '' '' 1890
S. B. Haggart '' '' '' 1890
Tom [Ward?] - elected a member 1891
In 1890 Mr. Ruffini
writes to Mr. Stewart that he thinks all
charter members paid both
their initiation fees + dues.
as the association needed
money at that time. Can't find
out whethter they did or not.
Mr. Bristol writes in 1890 that
he will remit in person. Can't find
out whether he did or not.
Larmour & [Watson?] owe dues
for 1890 - 91. Hellwig owes
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