


Status: Indexed

116 - Es picoso el chile.
'yatu 'biʔi 'yaʔa

117 - Está cenando nuestro papá.
'yoʔo 'kušini 'taoʔ
'yo 'kušini 'taoʔ

118 - ¿Ustedes van a dar aguardiente a sus primos?
a 'subiřa 'ngwa 'gwařyente ba 'nuu 'sañu

119 - ¿Qué hizo usted hoy?
1 na dani bita~
2 na dsa bita~

120 - ¿A qué hora vamos a comer?
na 'ořa ku 'samo

Notes and Questions

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Hi. I am from Santiago Nuyoo. Do you know what year this questionnaire was conducted and who was the interviewee?


what is the "Syntax-02_18"?
It takes

The "Syntax-02_18" is just a code the interviewers gave this document to keep track of it. It was recorded in 1977, and the speaker is Teófilo Rojas Sárabe.

You can find an audio recording of this questionnaire at https://ailla.utexas.org/islandora/object/ailla:129012