The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 5]



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UBAQUE, a head settlement of the district of the corresimiento of this name, in the new kingdom of Granada ; it was, during the Paganism of the Indians, one of the most powerful principalities belonging to the caciques : at present it contains 200 inhabitants and as many Indians. In its church is venerated with particular devotion an image of our Lady painted on canvass, and which after undergoing much injury from time, appeared all at once miraculously renovated. By a rugged spot, called De Zaname, close to the valley in which this settlement stands, there is a stone with the impression of a human foot, which, by the tradition of the Indians, is on various authority that of the apostle St. Bartholomew. It is seven leagues from Santa Fe.

UBARANA, Ensennada de, a bay on the coast of the province and captainship of Seara, in the kingdom of Brazil : it is between the rivers Lagaribe and Riobara.

Ubarana, a point of land of this name, which is one of those that form the afore-mentioned bay.

L BATE, a head settlement of the district of the corresimiento of that name, in the new kingdom of Granada. Its climate is cold, but not to excess, and produces in abundance the fruits peculiar to such a temperature ; especially wheat, potatoes, maize, apples and barley. In the church is worshipped a miraculous image of Christ on the cross, to the sanctuary of which the people are impelled by devotion to come

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from the other provinces. It contains more than 10,000 inhabitants, and was one of the first settlements of the kingdom which was converted by the missionaries of the order of St. Francis, of whom it was for many years a doctrinal curacy. It is 29 miles n. n. w. of Santa Fe.

UBATUBA, a town of the province and captainship of San Vicente in Brazil; situated on the coast on a neck of land opposite the Isle of Puercos.

Ubatuba, a lake of this name, in the same province and kingdom, by the coast, on the shores of which the Portuguese have constructed a fort.

UBAY, a large and copious river of Peru. It takes its source from a lake which is formed by the river Parapiti, or Apere, in the country and territory of Isoso, and runs to the n. always inclining to the n.n.w. more than 70 leagues. It crosses the country of the Chiquitos Indians and the province of Los Moxos in the kingdom of Quito, in which it enters much encreased by the waters it has received from that of Itenes, opposite the entrenchment of Santa Rosa. This river is also called Magdalena San Miguel, and formerly Los Chiquitos. Its mouth is in lat. 11° 57 / s.

UBAZA, a large settlement, in the time of the Indians, of the province and corregimvento of Velez in the new kingdom of Granada ; it was conquered by Gonzalo Ximenez Quesada in 1537, but is at present entirely ruined.

Last edit about 4 years ago by ShaneT
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