| 519COR
seasons, and is flooded by waters rushing down
through a neighbouring channel, and in fact
Avould be hereby rendered iinitdiabitable, but for
the mounds Avhich have been raised for its defence.
One half of the city experiences in one day a va-
riation of all the winds from n. to s. These winds,
thus changing, are accompanied with great tem-
pests of thunder and lightning. At one moment
the heat which accompanies the n. wind is ex-
cessive, and at another the cold which accompanies
the s. is intolerable. It is, indeed, to this cause
that the number of sudden deaths which occur
here are attributed. The city is small, and nearly
of a square figure, but the buildings are superior
to any in the province. It has three convents ;
those of the religious order of St. Francis, St. Do-
mingo, and La Merced, an hospital of Bethleraites,
with the dedicatory title of San Roque ; two mo-
nasteries of nuns, tlie one of Santa Teresa, the other
of Santa Clara, and two colleges with the titles of
universities, it is the head of a bishopric, erected
in 1570, and is very rich, owing to the great com-
merce which it carries on in mules bought in the
province of Buenos Ayres, and fattened in the
pastures here, for the purpose of being sold for the
supply of the other provinces, and in fact of the
whole of Peru. It abounds in all kinds of pro-
ductions, and is 70 leagues from Santiago del Es-
tero, to the s. in 62° 39'; long. 31° 20' s. lat. (For
an account of the late revolutions of this place,
see La Plata.)
Cordova, another city, in the province and
government of Cumaná, founded by Gonzalo de
Ocampo in 1525, near the sea-coast. It is so re-
duced and poor, that it does not deserve the name
of a city. It is bounded by the Caribes Indians.
Cordova, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru.
Cordova, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Ti-
erra Firme, situate upon the coast. It was sacked
by the English pirate Gauson in 1625.
CORDOVES, Rio Del, a river of the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs zo. and
enters the Yazigua close to the pass of Chileno.
CORE, Bank of, an isle of the N. Sea, near
the coast of S. Carolina, between those of Oca-
cook and Drum.
(Core Sound, on the coast of N. Carolina,
lies s. of, and communicates with Pamlico.)
COREBO, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Chocó. It rises in the valley of 'I'atave,
at the foot of the mountains of Choco, and enters
the Paganagandi.
CORENA, a port on the coast of the province
COR 51^
and captainship of the Rio Janeiro in Brazil, close
to the island of Santa Maria.
CORENTE, a river of the kingdom of Brazil.
It rises in the head of that of the Paraguas and the
Verde, runs s, s.e. and enters the above river at
CORENTIN, a river of the province and co-
lony of Surinam, or part of Guayana in the Dutch
possessions, according to the last advices ot the
Father Bernardo Rosclla of the extinguished so-
ciety, Avhich advices were received from the
Dutch, and served, in 1745, to the making the map
of this province and the Orinoco. It rises in the
n. part of the famed lake Parime, which some have
thought to exist merely in fable. It runs s. wa-
teringtlie Dutch colonies; and five leaguesto the w.
of Berbice, and to the s. e. of the Orinoco, empties
itself into the sea, in 5° 22' n. lat. : at its entrance
it is one league wide. The English call it Devil’s
creek, which signifies Barranco del Diablo. In
the interior of its course it has some sand-banks,
which extend for three leagues, and render its na-
vigation difficult, notwithstanding that at the low
tide there arc still some channels of water. In this
river are likewise three small well cultivated islands,
lying in a direction from n. tov. They are very
fertile, and covered with trees, and the soundings
of the river about them varies from five to six
CORETIQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru.
CORIANA. See Coro.
CORIDON, Salinas de, salt grounds in the
point and zo. head of the island of St. Domingo,
on the shore of the port Pimiento.
CORIMPO, a settlement of the province of
Cinaloa in Nueva Espaiia ; situate on the shore of
the river Mayo, between the settlements of Heco-
joa and Nabajoa.
(CORINTH, a township in Orange county,
Vermont, z€. of Bradford, containing 578 inha-
CORIO, a settlement of the province and cap-
tainship of San Vincente in Brazil, on the shore
and at tlie source of the river Uruguay.
CORIPATA, a settlement of the province and
government of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the cu-
racy of Atabillos Altos.
CORIPI, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Guayana, iii the French possessions. It
enters the sea between the Oiapoco and cape
CORIS, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento oi Huailas in Peru, annexed to the cu-
racy of Aija.
Translationpor las muchas aguas que baxan de una cañada contigua, y a no ser por unos parapetos que se han construido para defenderla, seria inhabitable por este riesgo: la mitad de ella experimenta en un mismo dia los vientos N y S que alternan, causando grandes tempestades con truenos y rayos, de cuya desigualdad resulta que tan pronto se experimenta calor con el N, como frío con el S, y a esto atribuyen las muchas muertes repentinas que suceden: la Ciudad es chica y quasi de figura quadrada, pero los edificios son los mejores que hay en toda la Provincia: tiene 3 Conventos de Religiosos de San Francisco, Santo Domingo y la Merced, un Hospital de Betlemitas con la advocación de San Roque, 2 Monasterios de Religiosas de Santa Teresa y Santa Clara, y 2 Colegios con título de Universidad: es cabeza de Obispado erigido el año de 1 5 70, y muy rica por el gran comercio que hace de mulas que compra en la Provincia de Buenos-Ayres, y engorda en sus potreros para venderlas en las demás y abastecer todo el Perú: abunda en toda especie de frutos, y está 70 leguas de Santiago del Estero al Mediodía en 316 gr. 30 min. de long. y 30 gr. 38 min. de lat. aust.
Otra Ciudad en la Provincia y Gobierno de Cumaná, fundada por Gonzalo de Ocampo el año de 1525;, cerca de la Costa del mar: es tan reducida y pobre que no merece el nombre de Ciudad; confina con los Indios Caribes, y está en 8 gr. 41 min. de lat. bor.
Un Pueblo de la Pro vincia y Corregimiento de Castro Vireyna en el Perú.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Santa Marta en el Reyno de Tierra Firme, situado en la Costa: fue saqueado por el Pirata Ingles Guillermo Gauson el año de 1625.
CORDOUES, Río del, en la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos-Ayres, corTe al O y entra en el de Yazigua junto al paso del Chileno.
CORE, Banco de, Islote de la mar del N cerca de la Costa de la Carolina Meridional entre los de Ocacock y de drum.
COREBO, Río] de 32 Provincia y Gobierno del Chocó: nace en el Valle de Tatave, al pie de las montañas del Chocó y entra en el de Paganagandi.
CORENA, Puerto de, en la Costa de la Provincia y Capitanía del río deneiro en el Brasil junto a la Isla de Santa María.
CORENTE, Río] del Reyno del Brasil: nace en la Cabecera del de Paraguas y el río Verde: corre al S SE y entra en aquel a la mitad de su curso.
CORENTIN, Río] de la Provincia y Colonia de Surinam o parte de la Guayana que poseen los Holandeses, según las ultimas noticias del Padre Bernardo Rosella de la extinguida Compañía, tomadas de los Holandeses que sirvieron el año de 1745 para hacer la Carta de esta Provincia y del Orinoco: nace en la parte Septentrional de la amcsa laguna Parlme, que algunos han tenido por fabulosa, corre al S bañando las Colonias Holandesas, y 5 leguas al Poniente de Berbioe y al SE del Orinoco, desemboca al mar en 5 gr. 22 min. de lat. bor.: tiene a su salida 1 legua de ancho: los Ingleses lo llaman Dewils Kreeck, que significa Barranco del Diablo: en lo interior de su curso tiene unos bancos de arena que se dilatan mas de 3 leguas, y dificultan su navegación, sin embargo de tener en la inmediación a éstos tres brazas de agua en la baxa mar: hay en este río tres Islas pequeñas muy cultivadas en situación de N S, donde tiene de fondo 5 o ó brazas, que son muy fértiles y llenas de árboles.
CORETIQUI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxamarquilla en el Perú..
CORIANA, Véase Coro.
CORIDON, Salinas de, en la Punta y Cabeza del O de la Isla de Santo Domingo a orilla del Puerto Pimiento.
CORIMPO, Pueblo de la Provincia de Cinaloa en Nueva España, situado a orilla del río Mayo, entre los Pueblos de Hechojoa y de Nabijoa.
CORIO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Capitanía de San Vicente en el Brasil a orilla y Cabecera del. río Uruguay.
CORIPATA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Canta en el Perú, anexo al Curato de A cabillos Altos.
CORIPI, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de la Guayana en la parte que poseen los Franceses: sale al mar entre el de Oiapoco y el Cabo de Orange.
CORIS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huailas en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Aija. | 519COR
seasons, and is flooded by waters rushing down
through a neighbouring channel, and in fact
Avould be hereby rendered iinitdiabitable, but for
the mounds Avhich have been raised for its defence.
One half of the city experiences in one day a va-
riation of all the winds from n. to s. These winds,
thus changing, are accompanied with great tem-
pests of thunder and lightning. At one moment
the heat which accompanies the n. wind is ex-
cessive, and at another the cold which accompanies
the s. is intolerable. It is, indeed, to this cause
that the number of sudden deaths which occur
here are attributed. The city is small, and nearly
of a square figure, but the buildings are superior
to any in the province. It has three convents ;
those of the religious order of St. Francis, St. Do-
mingo, and La Merced, an hospital of Bethleraites,
with the dedicatory title of San Roque ; two mo-
nasteries of nuns, tlie one of Santa Teresa, the other
of Santa Clara, and two colleges with the titles of
universities, it is the head of a bishopric, erected
in 1570, and is very rich, owing to the great com-
merce which it carries on in mules bought in the
province of Buenos Ayres, and fattened in the
pastures here, for the purpose of being sold for the
supply of the other provinces, and in fact of the
whole of Peru. It abounds in all kinds of pro-
ductions, and is 70 leagues from Santiago del Es-
tero, to the s. in 62° 39'; long. 31° 20' s. lat. (For
an account of the late revolutions of this place,
see La Plata.)
Cordova, another city, in the province and
government of Cumaná, founded by Gonzalo de
Ocampo in 1525, near the sea-coast. It is so re-
duced and poor, that it does not deserve the name
of a city. It is bounded by the Caribes Indians.
Cordova, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru.
Cordova, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Ti-
erra Firme, situate upon the coast. It was sacked
by the English pirate Gauson in 1625.
CORDOVES, Rio Del, a river of the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs zo. and
enters the Yazigua close to the pass of Chileno.
CORE, Bank of, an isle of the N. Sea, near
the coast of S. Carolina, between those of Oca-
cook and Drum.
(Core Sound, on the coast of N. Carolina,
lies s. of, and communicates with Pamlico.)
COREBO, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Chocó. It rises in the valley of 'I'atave,
at the foot of the mountains of Choco, and enters
the Paganagandi.
CORENA, a port on the coast of the province
COR 51^
and captainship of the Rio Janeiro in Brazil, close
to the island of Santa Maria.
CORENTE, a river of the kingdom of Brazil.
It rises in the head of that of the Paraguas and the
Verde, runs s, s.e. and enters the above river at
CORENTIN, a river of the province and co-
lony of Surinam, or part of Guayana in the Dutch
possessions, according to the last advices ot the
Father Bernardo Rosclla of the extinguished so-
ciety, Avhich advices were received from the
Dutch, and served, in 1745, to the making the map
of this province and the Orinoco. It rises in the
n. part of the famed lake Parime, which some have
thought to exist merely in fable. It runs s. wa-
teringtlie Dutch colonies; and five leaguesto the w.
of Berbice, and to the s. e. of the Orinoco, empties
itself into the sea, in 5° 22' n. lat. : at its entrance
it is one league wide. The English call it Devil’s
creek, which signifies Barranco del Diablo. In
the interior of its course it has some sand-banks,
which extend for three leagues, and render its na-
vigation difficult, notwithstanding that at the low
tide there arc still some channels of water. In this
river are likewise three small well cultivated islands,
lying in a direction from n. tov. They are very
fertile, and covered with trees, and the soundings
of the river about them varies from five to six
CORETIQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru.
CORIANA. See Coro.
CORIDON, Salinas de, salt grounds in the
point and zo. head of the island of St. Domingo,
on the shore of the port Pimiento.
CORIMPO, a settlement of the province of
Cinaloa in Nueva Espaiia ; situate on the shore of
the river Mayo, between the settlements of Heco-
joa and Nabajoa.
(CORINTH, a township in Orange county,
Vermont, z€. of Bradford, containing 578 inha-
CORIO, a settlement of the province and cap-
tainship of San Vincente in Brazil, on the shore
and at tlie source of the river Uruguay.
CORIPATA, a settlement of the province and
government of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the cu-
racy of Atabillos Altos.
CORIPI, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Guayana, iii the French possessions. It
enters the sea between the Oiapoco and cape
CORIS, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento oi Huailas in Peru, annexed to the cu-
racy of Aija.
Translation |