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kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 09:06 PM





running to unite themselves with that of Toachi.
It is to the n. of the paramo of Elenisa, and is
sometimes covered with snow.

CORCA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Huanoquite.

(CORCAS, or Grand Corcas, an island
almost in the form of a crescent, n. of St. Do-
mingo, in the windward passage, about seven
leagues w. of Turk’s island, and about 20 e. of
Little Inagua or Heneagua. Lat. 21° 45' n.
Long. 71° ob' w.)

CORCHUE, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
vince and government of Valdivia in the kingdom
of Chile.

CORCOLA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in
the territory of the Giiayazas Indians, of the king-
dom of Brazil; situate at the source and on the
shore of the river Tocantines.

CORCOUADO, a settlement of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits in the province and government of Los
, of the Nuevo Reyno de Gratiada, and
which is at present under the charge of the reli-
gious order of St. Francis.

CORCOUADO, a rock or island of the S. sea, op-
posite the port of Santa, of the province and corre-
gimiento of this name in Peru.

CORCULLA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru.

CORDES. See Verdf.


CORDILLIERS, Montagne des, a mountain
of the island of Cayenne, on the skirts of avliich
the French have a fort and establishment for its

CORDON, PUNTA DEL, a point of the coast of
the w. head of the island of St. Domingo, on the
shore of the port Pimiento.

CORDOVA, a province and alcaldia mayor of
Nueva España; bounded w. by the province of
Orizava ; n. by that of San Juan de los Llanos ;
e. by that of the ancient Vera Cruz ; and s. by the
rugged mountains of Songolica. It has on the
5. e. and s.s. e. the great estate of Mataanona, 10
leagues from Taliscona, the last boundary of Vera
Cruz. It is of a hot and moist temperature ; the
greater part of its district is composed of broken
and uneven grounds, and mountains covered with
cedars, walnuts, pines, and ocotales. It has also
beautiful and fertile plains, abounds in birds and
animals of the chase, and no less in fish, many trout
and bohos being caught out of the rivers by which
this province is irrigated. In the spacious plain
of Altotonga runs a rapid river, by which it is

fertilized, and rendered abundant in every kind of
vegetable production. Here also breed many
flocks of cattle, which are the chief commerce
of the place. The capital bears the same name.

This was founded in 1618, by order of the vice-
roy Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, Marquis
of Gnadalcazar, who gave it his name. It is of a
hot and moist temperature ; situate to the w. of
some small mountains, which form an half-circle,
and are surrounded by many umbrageous trees.
The parish church is magnificent, of exquisite
architecture, and rich ornaments. Here is a con-
vent of the religious Descalzos (barefooted order)
of St. Francis, and one of St. Hippolyte dela Ca-
ridad, in which there is an hospital for the sick
Spaniards, and for the black slaves, endowed by
the masters and proprietors of certain mills, in which
an infinite quantity of sugar is made. It abounds
in this artich', with those of tobacco, China
oranges, ajonjoli, large cattle, and swine ; as also
other fruits and articles of merchandize peculiar
to Europe and the kingdom itself. [Hun.boldt
assert.s that the environs of Cordova and Orizaba
produce all the tobacco consumed in New Spain.]
Its population consists of 260 families of Spaniards,
126 of Mustees, 70 of Mulattoes and Negroes,
and 273 of Mexican Indians ; of many others also
who are of various classes, and Avho work in the
sugar-mills. Forty-eight leagues to the e. «. c. of
Mexico, in lat. 18° 50' ; long. 96° 56'. Theother
settlements of this jurisdiction are,

Santa Ana de Zacan, San Diego,




Sta. Maria Magdalena,

S. Antonio Huatuzco,
Amatlan de los Reyes,

San Bartolome,



San Diego Huatuzco,
San J uan de la Punta,
San Lorenzo.

Cordova, another city, the capital of the provinco
and government of Tucumán in Peru ; founded by
the governor of that province, Geronimo Cabrera,
in 1573, and not by Juan Nuilezde Prado, in 1549,
according to the erroneous account of the Ex-
jesuit Coleti. It was in the territory of the Comi-
chingones Indians, and part which they called
Kisliisacate, on the shore of the river Piicani ;
but removed from thence to the x. part of the
same river ; the parish being dedicated to Nuestra
Senora de la Pena of France, and being under the
obligation of celebrating its festival on the day of
the conception, when it was also usual to display
the spectacle of a bull-fight. It is situate in a
narrow bay, close to which is a lotty n'ountain.
It is much exposed to inundations in the rainy


que van a unirse con el de Toachi.: está al N del Páramo de Elenisa, y algunas veces se cubre de nieve, en j4 min. 18 seg. de latit. austr.

CORCA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chilques y Masques en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Huancquite.

CORCHUE, Pueblo de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de Valdivia en el Reyno de Chile.

CORGOUADO, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Companía en la Provincia y Gobierno de los Llanos, del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, y hoy está a cargo de los Religiosos de San francisco.
Tiene el mismo nombre un Farallón o Islote de la mar del S enfrente del Puerto de Santa de la Provincia y Corregimiento de este nombre en el Perú.

CORCOLA, Pueblo de los Portugueses en el territorio de los Indios Guayazas del Reyno del Brasil, situado a la Cabecera y orilla del río Tocantines.

CORGOUADO, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Companía en la Provincia y Gobierno de los Llanos, del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, y hoy está a cargo de los Religiosos de San francisco. Tiene el mismo nombre un Farallón o Islote de la mar del S enfrente del Puerto de Santa de la Provincia y Corregimiento de este nombre en el Perú.

CORCULLA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Parinacochas en el Perú]].

CORDES, Vease Verde. CORDILLERA, Véase Andes.

CORDILIERS, Montagne des, o monte de les Franciscanos: monte de la Isla de Cayena, a cuya falda tienen un establecimiento y fuerte para su defensa los Franceses.

CORDON, Punta del, en la Costa de la cabeza del O de la Isla de Santo Domingo a orilla del Puerto Pimiento.

CORDOUA, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Nueva España: confina con la de Orizava por el O: con la de San Juan de los Llanos por el N: con la de la antigua Vera-Cruz por el E, y por el S con las ásperas montañas de Songolica: tiene al SE y S SE la grande hacienda de Mataanona, 10 leguas de Taliscona, último término de la Vera-Cruz: es de temperamento cálido y húmedo: la mayor parte de su distrito se compone de lomas, barrancas y montes poblados de cedros, nogales, pinos y ocotales: tiene también llanuras amenas y fértiles .: abunda en caza, y no menos de pesca en los rios que la riegan, donde cogen muchos bobos y truchas: en el dilatado llano de Altotonga cruza un rápido río que lo fertiliza y hace abundante en toda especie de frutos: cria también mucho ganado de que hace su principal comercio.
Santa Ana Zacan.
Sta. María Magdalena.
S.Antonio Huatuzco.
Amatlán de los Reyes.
San Diego.
San Bartolomé.
San Diego Huatuzco.
San Juan de la Punta.
San Lorenzo.

Otra Ciudad hay del mismo nombre, Capital de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en el Perú, fundada por el Gobernador de ella Gerónimo Cabrera el año de 1573 y no por Juan Nuñez de Prado el de 1549, como dice equivocado el Ex- Jesuíta Coleti: en el territorio de los Indios Comechingones, y parage llamado por estos Kiskisacate a orilla del río Pucará, de donde se trasladó después a la parte Meridional de él, dedicando la Parroquial de nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia, con obligación de celebrar su fiesta el dia de la Concepción, y de correr toros en la plaza: su situación es en una estrecha Ensenada que forma el río y un espeso monte, y la hace estar muy expuesta a inundaciones en tiempo de lluvias,





running to unite themselves with that of Toachi.
It is to the n. of the paramo of Elenisa, and is
sometimes covered with snow.

CORCA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chilques and Masques in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Huanoquite.

(CORCAS, or Grand Corcas, an island
almost in the form of a crescent, n. of St. Do-
mingo, in the windward passage, about seven
leagues w. of Turk’s island, and about 20 e. of
Little Inagua or Heneagua. Lat. 21° 45' n.
Long. 71° ob' w.)

CORCHUE, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
vince and government of Valdivia in the kingdom
of Chile.

CORCOLA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in
the territory of the Giiayazas Indians, of the king-
dom of Brazil; situate at the source and on the
shore of the river Tocantines.

CORCOUADO, a settlement of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits in the province and government of Los
, of the Nuevo Reyno de Gratiada, and
which is at present under the charge of the reli-
gious order of St. Francis.

CORCOUADO, a rock or island of the S. sea, op-
posite the port of Santa, of the province and corre-
gimiento of this name in Peru.

CORCULLA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Parinacochas in Peru.

CORDES. See Verdf.


CORDILLIERS, Montagne des, a mountain
of the island of Cayenne, on the skirts of avliich
the French have a fort and establishment for its

CORDON, PUNTA DEL, a point of the coast of
the w. head of the island of St. Domingo, on the
shore of the port Pimiento.

CORDOVA, a province and alcaldia mayor of
Nueva España; bounded w. by the province of
Orizava ; n. by that of San Juan de los Llanos ;
e. by that of the ancient Vera Cruz ; and s. by the
rugged mountains of Songolica. It has on the
5. e. and s.s. e. the great estate of Mataanona, 10
leagues from Taliscona, the last boundary of Vera
Cruz. It is of a hot and moist temperature ; the
greater part of its district is composed of broken
and uneven grounds, and mountains covered with
cedars, walnuts, pines, and ocotales. It has also
beautiful and fertile plains, abounds in birds and
animals of the chase, and no less in fish, many trout
and bohos being caught out of the rivers by which
this province is irrigated. In the spacious plain
of Altotonga runs a rapid river, by which it is

fertilized, and rendered abundant in every kind of
vegetable production. Here also breed many
flocks of cattle, which are the chief commerce
of the place. The capital bears the same name.

This was founded in 1618, by order of the vice-
roy Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova, Marquis
of Gnadalcazar, who gave it his name. It is of a
hot and moist temperature ; situate to the w. of
some small mountains, which form an half-circle,
and are surrounded by many umbrageous trees.
The parish church is magnificent, of exquisite
architecture, and rich ornaments. Here is a con-
vent of the religious Descalzos (barefooted order)
of St. Francis, and one of St. Hippolyte dela Ca-
ridad, in which there is an hospital for the sick
Spaniards, and for the black slaves, endowed by
the masters and proprietors of certain mills, in which
an infinite quantity of sugar is made. It abounds
in this artich', with those of tobacco, China
oranges, ajonjoli, large cattle, and swine ; as also
other fruits and articles of merchandize peculiar
to Europe and the kingdom itself. [Hun.boldt
assert.s that the environs of Cordova and Orizaba
produce all the tobacco consumed in New Spain.]
Its population consists of 260 families of Spaniards,
126 of Mustees, 70 of Mulattoes and Negroes,
and 273 of Mexican Indians ; of many others also
who are of various classes, and Avho work in the
sugar-mills. Forty-eight leagues to the e. «. c. of
Mexico, in lat. 18° 50' ; long. 96° 56'. Theother
settlements of this jurisdiction are,

Santa Ana de Zacan, San Diego,




Sta. Maria Magdalena,

S. Antonio Huatuzco,
Amatlan de los Reyes,

San Bartolome,



San Diego Huatuzco,
San J uan de la Punta,
San Lorenzo.

Cordova, another city, the capital of the provinco
and government of Tucumán in Peru ; founded by
the governor of that province, Geronimo Cabrera,
in 1573, and not by Juan Nuilezde Prado, in 1549,
according to the erroneous account of the Ex-
jesuit Coleti. It was in the territory of the Comi-
chingones Indians, and part which they called
Kisliisacate, on the shore of the river Piicani ;
but removed from thence to the x. part of the
same river ; the parish being dedicated to Nuestra
Senora de la Pena of France, and being under the
obligation of celebrating its festival on the day of
the conception, when it was also usual to display
the spectacle of a bull-fight. It is situate in a
narrow bay, close to which is a lotty n'ountain.
It is much exposed to inundations in the rainy
