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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 08:43 PM





21. Don Fray Pedro de Espineira ; elected in
1762 ; he governed until his death, in 1778.

22. Don Francisco Joseph de Maran ; elected
in 1779.

Concepcion de la Vega, another city, in
the island of St. Domingo, founded by the Admiral
Christopher Columbus, on a beautiful and spacious
plain, or Uanura^ celebrated for a conquest gained
on it by a numerous army of Indians. It has a good
parish church, erected into a bishopric, and wliich
was afterwards done away with in 1605, it being
then embodied with the archbishopric of S. Do-
mingo. it has also a convent of the religious
order of St. Francis, in which is deposited and
venerated the first cross that the discoverer and con-
queror of this country planted here ; which, al-
though the Indians have endeavoured with all their
might to break and destroy, has resisted all their
eftbrts. Twenty-five leagues from the capital of
S. Domingo.

(Concepcion, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay ; situate on the e. side of
the river Paraguay, about SO leagues n. of Asun-
cion. Lat. 23'^ 23' 8" s. Long. 57° 16" <®.)

(Concepcion del Pao, a city of the province
and government of Caracas ; composed of the in-
habitants of Trinity, of Margareta, and of Caracas,
who owned the folds in the plains near the Ori-
noco, to the s. of Barcelona ; they here succes-
sively fixed their dwellings, for the purpose of
being in the centre of their property, and of super-
intending it themselves. In 1744 the number of
these houses were found considerable enough to ac-
quire the name of village. There are only 2300
people of all classes here, subsisting will] facility
by Ihe fertility of the soil. The air and water are
good, and the only inconveniences the inhabitants
experience are an excessive lieat, and inundations
arising from the long and heavy rains. The produce
of the land is merely the provisions common to the
CQuntry. The wealth of the inhabitants consists
entirely in cattle, which they export to Trinity,
liia Guarapiche or Orinoco, This village, now
a city, is distinguished from St.John the Baptist
del Pao, situate in the province of Venezuela, by
the title of Concepcion del Pao. Lat. 8° 42' n.
Long. 65° 10' ra.)

Concepcion, a settlement, the capital of the
province and corregiwicnlo of Xauja in Peru.

Concepcion, another, of tlie same province and
corregimiento, in which there is a convent of the
religious order of St. Francis.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimknto of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Otoca.

Concepcion, another, of the same province and
kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Paraisancos.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chichas and Tarija in the same king-
dom, and of the district of the former.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimienlo of Vilcas Huaiman in the same king-
dom ; annexed to the curacy of Vizchongo.

Concepcion, another, of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Leon in Nueva Espana, and
of the bishopric of Mechoacan ; annexed to the
curacy of Rincon. It contains 208 families of In-
dians, 100 of Spaniards, and ^0 oi Mustees. It
produces wheat, maize, and other seeds, and is a
quarter of a league from its curacy, and four
leagues from the capital.

Concepcion, another small settlement or ward,
united to that of Tequiszillan, of ihealcaldia mayor
of Theotihuacan in the same kingdom.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
are held by the religious order of St. Francis, in
the province of Texas and kingdom of Nueva Es-
pana. It is 112 leagues to the e. n. e. of the pre-
sidency of San Antonio de Bejar.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province and government of Mainas,
of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of
the great river Maranon, on a point of land formed
by the same, and where this river is entered by the
Apena and the Guallaga,

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya; situate on the bank of the
river Florido, near the settlement and real of the
mines of Parral.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
belong to the religion of St. Francis, in the pro-
vince of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Viz-
caya, lying 17 leagues distant between the s. and
s. w. of the real of the mines of San Felipe de Chi-

Concepcion, another, with the surname of
Achaguas, being composed of Indians of this na-
tion, in the kingdom of Granada ; of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits in Orinoco; situate on the shore of the
river Meta.

Concepcion, another settlement, the capital of
the province and captainship of Itamaraca in Bra-
zil ; situate on the top of a mountain by the sea-
side. It has a magnificeut parish church, and is
garrisoned by two companies of troops, it con-
tains 300 housekeepers, and has three large sugar.



21 Don Fray Pedro de Espineira, electo en 1762, hasta su muerte en 1778.
22 Don Francisco Joseph de Maran, electo en el año de 1779.

Otra Ciudad hay del mismo nombre con el aditamento de la Vega en la Isla de Santo Domingo, fundada por el Almirante Don Christóval Colon, en una hermosa y dilatada llanura o vega en que venció un numeroso exército de Indios: tiene una buena Iglesia Parroquial, que fue engida en Obispado, y se extinguió el año de 1605, agregándolo al Arzobispado de Santo Domingo; un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, en que se conserva y venera la primera Cruz que plantó su descubridor y conquistador, que no pudieron quemar ni romper los Indios, sin embargo de los esfuerzos que hicieron para ello: está 2j leguas de la Capital Santo Domingo.
Otra en la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay, fundada sobre la orilla oriental del río Bermejo o Grande, que entra en el de la Plata: fue decayendo poco a poco, hasta que sus vecinos la abandonaron enteramente, quedando solo hoy ruinas y la memoria de que estuvo allí.
Un Pueblo Capital de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Xauja en el Perú.
Otro de la misma Provincia y Corregimiento en que hay un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco.
Otro de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Lucanas en el mismo Reyno, anexo al Curato de Otoca.
Otro de la misma Provincia y Reyno, anexo al Curato de Paraisancos.
Otro de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chichas y Tarija en el mismo Reyno, y del partido del primero.
Otro de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Vilcas Huaman en el mismo Reyno, anexo al Curato de Vizchongo.
Otro de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de León en Nueva España, y del Obispado de Mechoacan, anexo al Curato de Rincón: tiene 208 familias de Indios, 100 de Españoles, y 40 de Mestizos: produce trigo, maiz y otras semillas, y está un quarto de legua de su Curato y 4 de la Capital.
Otro pequeño 6 barrio agregado al de Tequiszitlán de la Alcaldía mayor de Theotihuacan en el mismo Reyno.
Otro de las Misiones que tienen los Religiosos de San Francisco en la Provincia de Texas y Reyno de Nueva España: está 112 leguas al ENE del Presidio de San Antonio de Bejar.
Otro de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas del Reyno de Quito, situado a orilla del gran río Marañon en una Punta de tierra que forma, donde le entran los de Apena y Gua— llaga.
Otro de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia de Tepeguana y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, situado en la ribera del río Florido cerca del Pueblo y Real de Minas del Parral.
Otro de las Misiones que tiene la Religión de San Francisco en la Provincia de Taraumara y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, distante 17 leguas entre SE y O SO del Real de Minas de San Felipe de Chiguagua.
Otro con el sobrenombre de Achaguas, porque se compone de indios de esta Nación en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en el Orinoco, situado a orilla del lio Meta.
Otro Capital de la Provincia y Capitanía de Itamaraca en el Brasil, situado en la altura de un monte a orilla del mar: tiene una magnífica Parroquial y dos Compañías de tropa de guarnición, 200 vecinos y 3 grandes ingenios de azúcar:





21. Don Fray Pedro de Espineira ; elected in
1762 ; he governed until his death, in 1778.

22. Don Francisco Joseph de Maran ; elected
in 1779.

Concepcion de la Vega, another city, in
the island of St. Domingo, founded by the Admiral
Christopher Columbus, on a beautiful and spacious
plain, or Uanura^ celebrated for a conquest gained
on it by a numerous army of Indians. It has a good
parish church, erected into a bishopric, and wliich
was afterwards done away with in 1605, it being
then embodied with the archbishopric of S. Do-
mingo. it has also a convent of the religious
order of St. Francis, in which is deposited and
venerated the first cross that the discoverer and con-
queror of this country planted here ; which, al-
though the Indians have endeavoured with all their
might to break and destroy, has resisted all their
eftbrts. Twenty-five leagues from the capital of
S. Domingo.

(Concepcion, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay ; situate on the e. side of
the river Paraguay, about SO leagues n. of Asun-
cion. Lat. 23'^ 23' 8" s. Long. 57° 16" <®.)

(Concepcion del Pao, a city of the province
and government of Caracas ; composed of the in-
habitants of Trinity, of Margareta, and of Caracas,
who owned the folds in the plains near the Ori-
noco, to the s. of Barcelona ; they here succes-
sively fixed their dwellings, for the purpose of
being in the centre of their property, and of super-
intending it themselves. In 1744 the number of
these houses were found considerable enough to ac-
quire the name of village. There are only 2300
people of all classes here, subsisting will] facility
by Ihe fertility of the soil. The air and water are
good, and the only inconveniences the inhabitants
experience are an excessive lieat, and inundations
arising from the long and heavy rains. The produce
of the land is merely the provisions common to the
CQuntry. The wealth of the inhabitants consists
entirely in cattle, which they export to Trinity,
liia Guarapiche or Orinoco, This village, now
a city, is distinguished from St.John the Baptist
del Pao, situate in the province of Venezuela, by
the title of Concepcion del Pao. Lat. 8° 42' n.
Long. 65° 10' ra.)

Concepcion, a settlement, the capital of the
province and corregiwicnlo of Xauja in Peru.

Concepcion, another, of tlie same province and
corregimiento, in which there is a convent of the
religious order of St. Francis.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimknto of Lucanas in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Otoca.

Concepcion, another, of the same province and
kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Paraisancos.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chichas and Tarija in the same king-
dom, and of the district of the former.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimienlo of Vilcas Huaiman in the same king-
dom ; annexed to the curacy of Vizchongo.

Concepcion, another, of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Leon in Nueva Espana, and
of the bishopric of Mechoacan ; annexed to the
curacy of Rincon. It contains 208 families of In-
dians, 100 of Spaniards, and ^0 oi Mustees. It
produces wheat, maize, and other seeds, and is a
quarter of a league from its curacy, and four
leagues from the capital.

Concepcion, another small settlement or ward,
united to that of Tequiszillan, of ihealcaldia mayor
of Theotihuacan in the same kingdom.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
are held by the religious order of St. Francis, in
the province of Texas and kingdom of Nueva Es-
pana. It is 112 leagues to the e. n. e. of the pre-
sidency of San Antonio de Bejar.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province and government of Mainas,
of the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of
the great river Maranon, on a point of land formed
by the same, and where this river is entered by the
Apena and the Guallaga,

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya; situate on the bank of the
river Florido, near the settlement and real of the
mines of Parral.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
belong to the religion of St. Francis, in the pro-
vince of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Viz-
caya, lying 17 leagues distant between the s. and
s. w. of the real of the mines of San Felipe de Chi-

Concepcion, another, with the surname of
Achaguas, being composed of Indians of this na-
tion, in the kingdom of Granada ; of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits in Orinoco; situate on the shore of the
river Meta.

Concepcion, another settlement, the capital of
the province and captainship of Itamaraca in Bra-
zil ; situate on the top of a mountain by the sea-
side. It has a magnificeut parish church, and is
garrisoned by two companies of troops, it con-
tains 300 housekeepers, and has three large sugar.

