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kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 08:39 PM





and government of Neyba in the kingdom of Gra-
nada. It rises in the paramo or mountain desert
ofQuindiu, traverses and waters the valleys of
Las Lanzas, and unites itself witli that of San
Juan, taking the name of Coello, from a Spaniard
of this name having been drowned in it. It then
enters the Magdalena.

COMBEJU, a settlement of the province and
captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate at the source
of the river Curitaba.

COMBERUI, Bay of, on the coast of the pro-
vince o.i\6. captainship of Rey in Brazil. It lies
between the bay of Tasay and the island of Gallo.

COMBES, a settlement of the island of Bar-
, in the district of the parish of St. George.

COMBINCUMA, a spacious, and but little
known country of the kingdom of Quito. It is
full of woods, in which there are many wild beasts
and snakes of various kinds, and it is watered by
many rivers, all of which enter the s. side of the
Maranon. Amongst the various nations which
inhabit it is that of the Tontones.

COMBITA, a settlement of the province and
corregirniento oi Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It is of a cold temperature, and pro-
duces the fruits corresponding with its climate.
It contains 100 house-keepers, and as many other
Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its

COMBLES, Los Cinco, a settlement and
parish of the island of St. Christopher, one of the
Antilles ; situate on the shore of the n. w. coast,
and in the part formerly possessed by the Eng-

COMBOY, a rocky shoal of the N. sea, to the
s. of that of La Vivora.

COMEAPA, a settlement of the province and
ulcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of

COMECUERO, a river of the province and
government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guate-
mala. It runs into the gulf which has tlie name
of the province.

COMETA, PUNTA DE, a point or cape of
the Caico Grande, or Del N. (of the N.) on the n. e.

Cometa, a shoal of rocks, near upon the n. e.
coast of the island of Caico Grande, or Del N.
and by the former point, from whence it takes its

(COMFORT Point is the s. easternmost part
of Elizabeth City county in Virginia, formed by
James river at its mouth in Chesapeak bay. Point
Comfort lies 19 miles w. by n. of cape Henry.]
Comfort Point, another point, which is also

of the same coast and province as the former, and
within that bay, being one of the points which form
the entrance of the river York.

Comfort Point, another, on the s. coast of
Hudson’s bay, in the province of this name.

COMICHIGELES, Sierra de, in the pro-
vince and government of Tucumán, and bounded
by the sierra of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile. It
runs from 5. s. e. on the shore of the Concara, and
in fact follows the course of that river.

COMISARIO, Punta del, a long strip of
land which runs into the sea on the coast of the
province and government of Cartagena, between
this city and the point of S. Bernardo.

COMISTAHUACAN, a settlement of the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the
kingdom ol' Guatemala.

COMITLAN, a settlement of the province and'
alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of

COMITLAN, another settlement, in the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the
same kingdom.

(COMMANOES, one of the Small Virgin
, in the W. Indies, situate to the n. n. e. of

COMOCAUTLA, San Pedro de, a settle-
ment of the head settlement of Zapotitlan, and
alcaldia mayor of Xacatlan, in Nueva Espana,
three leagues distant from its head settlement.

COMO-LEWU, or Rio de los Sauces, call-
ed also Gran Desaguadero. See Sauces.

COMONDU, San Joseph de, a settlement
of the missions which were held by the regulars
of the company of Jesuits in the province of Ca-
; situate near the sea-coast, between the
settlements of La Concepcion and San Francisco

COMONDU, San Joseph de, a bay of this pro-
, between the bay of Concepcion and the
island of Carmen.

COMOPORO, a settlement of the government
of Maracaibo in the province of Venezuela;
situate on the coast of the lake towards the e. part.

COMORI, Crique de, a creek and establish-
ment of the French, in their possessions in

COMORIPA, or Comoriopa, as some will
have it, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri
in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river
Hiaqui, between the settlements of Cocoria and

COMPOSTELA, a province and alcaldia
mayor of Nueva Galicia. Its jurisdiction extends
from the mouth of the large river San Pedro, as


y Gobierno de Neyba en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: nace en el páramo de Quindiu: atraviesa y riega el valle de las Lanzas, y se une con el de San Juan, tomando el nombre de CoeUo por haberse ahogado allí un Español que se llamaba así, y luego entra en el de la Magdalena.

COMBEJU, Pueblo de la Provincia y Capitanía del Rey en el Brasil, situado en la Cabecera del río Curitaba.

COMBERUI, Ensenada de, en la Costa de la Provincia y Capitanía del Rey en el Brasil: está entre la de Tasay y la Isla del Gallo.

COMBES, Pueblo de la Isla de Barbada en el distrito de la Parroquia de San Jorge.

COMBINAMA,Pais dilatado y poco conocido del Reyno de Quito: está lleno de bosques en que hay muchas fieras y culebras de varias especies, y regado de muchos rios que todos entran por la parte austral en el Marañon: entre las varias naciones que lo habitan está la de los Tontones.

COMBITA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Tunja en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: es de temperamento frío, y produce los frutos de este clima: tiene 100 vecinos y otros tantos Indios, y dista 2 leguas al NO de su Capital.

COMBLES, Los cinco, Pueblo y Parroquia de la Isla de San Cristo val, una de las Antilles, situado a la orilla de la Costa del NO en la parte que tenían antiguamente los Ingleses.

COMBOY, Baxo de Peña en la mar del N al S del de la Vívora.

COMEAPA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de los Zoques en el Reyno de Goatemala.

COMECUERO, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de Honduras en el Reyno de Goatemala, sale al mar en el Golfo que tiene el nombre de la Provincia.

COMETA, Punta de la, Cabo del Caico grande 6 del N en la Costa del NE.

Tiene el mismo nombre un Baxo de piedras arrimado a la Costa del NE de la Isla del Caico grande o del N en la parte antecedente que le da el nombre.

COMFORT, Punta de, en la Costa de la Provincia y Colonia de la Carolina Septentrional, dentro de la Bahía de Chesapeack una de las que forman la boca o entrada del río lames.

Hay otra Punta también de la misma Costa y Provincia que la antecedente, y dentro de aquella Bahía una de las que forman la entrada del río Yorck.
Otra en la Costa del S de la Bahía de Hudson en la Provincia de este nombre.

COMICHIGELES, Sierra de, en la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman, y confinante de la de Cuyo del Reyno de Chile, corren al S SE a orilla del río Concara cuyo curso siguen.

COMISARIO, Punta del, Lengua de tierra que sale al mar en la Costa de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cartagena, entre esta Ciudad y la Punta de San Bernardo.

COMISTAHUACAN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de los Zoques en el Reyno de Guatemala.

COMITLAN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Chiapa en el Reyno de Goatemala.

Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Alcaldía mayor de Capanabastla en el mismo Reyno.

COMOCAUTLA, San Pedro de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Zapotitlán y Alcaldía mayor de Zacatlán en Nueva España, distante 3 leguas de su Cabecera. „

COMO-LEWU o Río de los Sauces, llamado también gran desaguadero. Vease Sauces. r

COMONDU, San Joseph de, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia de California, situado cerca de la Costa del mar entre, los de la Concepción y San Francisco Xavier.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Bahía de esta Provincia entre la de la Concepción y la Isla del Carmen.

COMOPORO, Pueblo del Gobierno de Maracaíbo en la Provincia de Venezuela, situado en la Costa de la Laguna a la parte del E.

COMORI, Crique de, o barranco, establecimiento y Pueblo de los Franceses en la parte que poseen de la Guayana.

COMORIPA o Coihoriopa, como quieren otros, Pueblo de la Provincia de Ostimuri en Nueva España, situado a orilla del río Hiaqui entre los Pueblos de Gocoria y Tecoriona.

COMPOSTELA, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor del Reyno de Nueva Galicia ; comprehende su jurisdicción desde la boca del río grande o de San Pedro, hasta





and government of Neyba in the kingdom of Gra-
nada. It rises in the paramo or mountain desert
ofQuindiu, traverses and waters the valleys of
Las Lanzas, and unites itself witli that of San
Juan, taking the name of Coello, from a Spaniard
of this name having been drowned in it. It then
enters the Magdalena.

COMBEJU, a settlement of the province and
captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate at the source
of the river Curitaba.

COMBERUI, Bay of, on the coast of the pro-
vince o.i\6. captainship of Rey in Brazil. It lies
between the bay of Tasay and the island of Gallo.

COMBES, a settlement of the island of Bar-
, in the district of the parish of St. George.

COMBINCUMA, a spacious, and but little
known country of the kingdom of Quito. It is
full of woods, in which there are many wild beasts
and snakes of various kinds, and it is watered by
many rivers, all of which enter the s. side of the
Maranon. Amongst the various nations which
inhabit it is that of the Tontones.

COMBITA, a settlement of the province and
corregirniento oi Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It is of a cold temperature, and pro-
duces the fruits corresponding with its climate.
It contains 100 house-keepers, and as many other
Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its

COMBLES, Los Cinco, a settlement and
parish of the island of St. Christopher, one of the
Antilles ; situate on the shore of the n. w. coast,
and in the part formerly possessed by the Eng-

COMBOY, a rocky shoal of the N. sea, to the
s. of that of La Vivora.

COMEAPA, a settlement of the province and
ulcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of

COMECUERO, a river of the province and
government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guate-
mala. It runs into the gulf which has tlie name
of the province.

COMETA, PUNTA DE, a point or cape of
the Caico Grande, or Del N. (of the N.) on the n. e.

Cometa, a shoal of rocks, near upon the n. e.
coast of the island of Caico Grande, or Del N.
and by the former point, from whence it takes its

(COMFORT Point is the s. easternmost part
of Elizabeth City county in Virginia, formed by
James river at its mouth in Chesapeak bay. Point
Comfort lies 19 miles w. by n. of cape Henry.]
Comfort Point, another point, which is also

of the same coast and province as the former, and
within that bay, being one of the points which form
the entrance of the river York.

Comfort Point, another, on the s. coast of
Hudson’s bay, in the province of this name.

COMICHIGELES, Sierra de, in the pro-
vince and government of Tucumán, and bounded
by the sierra of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile. It
runs from 5. s. e. on the shore of the Concara, and
in fact follows the course of that river.

COMISARIO, Punta del, a long strip of
land which runs into the sea on the coast of the
province and government of Cartagena, between
this city and the point of S. Bernardo.

COMISTAHUACAN, a settlement of the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the
kingdom ol' Guatemala.

COMITLAN, a settlement of the province and'
alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of

COMITLAN, another settlement, in the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the
same kingdom.

(COMMANOES, one of the Small Virgin
, in the W. Indies, situate to the n. n. e. of

COMOCAUTLA, San Pedro de, a settle-
ment of the head settlement of Zapotitlan, and
alcaldia mayor of Xacatlan, in Nueva Espana,
three leagues distant from its head settlement.

COMO-LEWU, or Rio de los Sauces, call-
ed also Gran Desaguadero. See Sauces.

COMONDU, San Joseph de, a settlement
of the missions which were held by the regulars
of the company of Jesuits in the province of Ca-
; situate near the sea-coast, between the
settlements of La Concepcion and San Francisco

COMONDU, San Joseph de, a bay of this pro-
, between the bay of Concepcion and the
island of Carmen.

COMOPORO, a settlement of the government
of Maracaibo in the province of Venezuela;
situate on the coast of the lake towards the e. part.

COMORI, Crique de, a creek and establish-
ment of the French, in their possessions in

COMORIPA, or Comoriopa, as some will
have it, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri
in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river
Hiaqui, between the settlements of Cocoria and

COMPOSTELA, a province and alcaldia
mayor of Nueva Galicia. Its jurisdiction extends
from the mouth of the large river San Pedro, as
