| 492492
particularly those of (lie parish church, the con-
vent of the monks of Niiestra Sonora de la Merced,
another of St. Francis, and the hospital of S. J uan
de Dios. Its population consists of 200 families
of Spaniards, 122 oi Mustees, 15 Mulattoes, and
22 of Indians. In its district is found and gathered
the celebrated plant called in the country oleacazan^
■which is considered as a wonderful restorer of lost
strength, and a certain specific against all kinds of
poison. The leaves of it are applied to the part
affected, and the natives are accustomed to judge
of its virtues by its degree of adhesion. One hun-
dred and fifty leagues to the w. of Mexico, in
long. 103^ 20', and lat. 18° 34'.
COLIMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians in
former times, but now reduced to the faith, in the
province of its name; this being now incorporated
with that of Muzo of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
These Indians are also known by the name of Ca-
napayes, being united to them. Its capital is the
city of La Palma de los Colimas. See article
COLIMBA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Popayán in the Nuevo Reyno de Gra-
COLINA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Santiago in the kingdom of Chile ;
in the district of which there are five chapels of
case, in a spacious and beautiful valley.
COLINA, a river of this province and kingdom,
which rises in the mountains of its cordillera, and
enters the Maypo.
COLIUINA, a settlement of the province and
government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guate-
mala ; situate upon a long strip of land on the coast
of the S. sea.
(COLLA, a parish of the province and govern-
ment of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river
near the sea-coast, about eight leagues e. of Colonia
del Sacramento, in lat. 34° 19' 39" s. Long. 57°
21' 43" w.')
COLLADOS, Ensenada de los a bay on
the s. coast of the w. head, and in the territory of
the French, in the island of St. Domingo. It is be-
tween the rock of Bareo and the river Damasein.
COLLAHUAS, and Asiento of Mines of
Caylloma, a province and corregwiiento of Peru ;
bounded n. by that of Cbumbivilcas, e. by that of
Canes and Canches or Tinta, s. e, by that of
Lampa, s. by that of Arequipa, and w. by that of
Camana. It is 52 leagues in length s. e. n. w. and
16 in width. Its temperature is cold, from being
situate in the cordillera ; with the exception of that
part which borders upon Camana, where it is
very mild, especially in the five leagues where its
jurisdiction extends itself in the valley of Sihuas ;
the other five leagues reaching to tlie sea bordering
on Camana. Its productions are various : those
of the valley are comprised in wine, brandies,
wheat, maize, pulse, and fruits, especially figs,
which being preserved, serve as nourishment to
numbers of poor people. The other territories of
this province are of the same temperature, though
comparatively barren. It abounds in large and
small cattle, native sheep, vicunas, and some wild
animals. The roads are dangerous, from the
country’s being extremely unequal, and the greater
part of it beinga craggy ravine, over which labours,
rather than to say runs, a pretty large river, which
has its rise within the province. Here are many
silver mines, from which great riches were formerly
extracted, since they yielded 80 or 100 marks each
caxon. Atthe present day they yield but sparingly,
on account of their great depth, some of them being
200 fathoms in descent ; they are, nevertheless,
worked with tolerable profit. The principal
mountain of these mines is that of Caylloma, and
it was through this mine that the capital was
founded. There are also not wanting mines of
gold, tin, lead, copper, and sulphur; but these, on
account of the deficiency of resources, remain un-
worked. The capital, as we have before stated, is
Caylloma. Its repartimmito used to amount to
37,100 dollars, and its alcavala to 456 dollars per
annum. The other settlements of the jurisdiction
Y chupampa,
COLLANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Mccapa. Its Indian inhabitants have
kept themselves unmixed from any other cast ever
since the time of the conquest ; and in order to still
preserve themselves so, they will not allow of any
strangers sleeping in the settlement, though he
should be sent by the corregidor. If any other
person should come among them, he is put into
prison, and after a very short time dispatched.
Owing to these precautions, the vicious propen-
pensities observable in other settlements are en~
TranslationCOLIMBA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Popayan en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
COLIMAS, Nación bárbara de Indios en otro tiempo, hoy reducida a la Religión, en la Provincia de su nombre, que ahora está incorporada en la de Muzo del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, y unidos a estos, se conocen con el nombre de Canapayes: su Capital es la Ciudad de la Palma de los Colimas. Véase el artículo Muzos.
COLINA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Santiago en el Reyno de Chile, en cuyo distrito hay 5 ayudas de Parroquia en un dilatado y hermoso valle.
Tiene el mismo nombre un río de esta Provincia y Reyno, que nace en las montañas de su Cordillera, y entra en el Maypo.
COLIUINA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Nicaragua en el Reyno de Goatemala, situado en una lengua de tierra sobre la Costa del mar del Sur.
COLLADOS, Ensenada de los, en la Costa del S de la Cabeza del O y territorio de los Franceses en la Isla de Santo Domingo: está entre la peña del Barco y el río Damasein.
COLLAUAS y Asiento de Minas de Caylloma, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú: confina por el N con la de Chumbivilcas, por el E con la de Canes y Canches 6 Tinta, por el SE con la de Lampa, por el S con la de Arequipa, y por el O con la de Camaná: tiene de largo 5 2 leguas SE, NO, y 16 de ancho: es de temperamento frío por estar situada en la Cordillera, a excepción de la parte que confina con la de Camaná, que es bien templada, especialmente en las 5 leguas que entra su jurisdicciou en el valle de Sihuas; las otras 5 hasta el mar son de la de Camaná: sus frutos. son varios; los del valle referido se reducen a vino, aguardientes, trigo, maíz, legumbres y frutas, principalmente higos, que pasados sirven de alimento a mucha gente pobre; los demás territorios de esta Provincia son de igual temperamento, pero excasos: abunda de ganados mayor y menor, de carneros de la tierra, vicuñas y algunos animales monteses: sus caminos son peligrosos por ser tierra sumamente desigual y lo mas de ella una quebrada, por la qual se despeña mas bien que corre un río de bastante agua, que tiene su origen dentro de la Provincia: hay en ella muchas minas de plata, de que en otro tiempo se sacó gran riqueza, pues daban a 80 y a 100 marcos por caxon, hoy han escaseado mucho por la gran profundidad que tienen, pues en algunas es de 200 estados; pero todavía se trabajan con mediana utilidad: el cerro principal de ellas es Caylloma, que dio motivo a la fundación de la Capital, y no le faltan minas de oro, estaño, plomo, cobre y azufre, que 110 se trabajan por no sufragar al costo: la Capital como hemos dicho es Caylloma: tenia su Corregidor de repartimiento 5 70100 pesos, pagando 456 de alcavala cada año: los demás Pueblos de la jurisdicción son:
COLLANA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cicasica en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Mecapa: sus Indios no se han querido mezclar, desde el tiempo de la conquista con otra ninguna casta, por cuyo motivo no permiten dormir en el Pueblo a ningún forastero, aunque sea enviado por el Corregidor, sino en un rancho apartado que tienen a este fin, donde ponen ronda, y a qualquiera otro le alojan en la cárcel y a pocas horas le despachan: con estas precauciones no sé ven en este Pueblo los vicios y malas propiedades | 492492
particularly those of (lie parish church, the con-
vent of the monks of Niiestra Sonora de la Merced,
another of St. Francis, and the hospital of S. J uan
de Dios. Its population consists of 200 families
of Spaniards, 122 oi Mustees, 15 Mulattoes, and
22 of Indians. In its district is found and gathered
the celebrated plant called in the country oleacazan^
■which is considered as a wonderful restorer of lost
strength, and a certain specific against all kinds of
poison. The leaves of it are applied to the part
affected, and the natives are accustomed to judge
of its virtues by its degree of adhesion. One hun-
dred and fifty leagues to the w. of Mexico, in
long. 103^ 20', and lat. 18° 34'.
COLIMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians in
former times, but now reduced to the faith, in the
province of its name; this being now incorporated
with that of Muzo of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
These Indians are also known by the name of Ca-
napayes, being united to them. Its capital is the
city of La Palma de los Colimas. See article
COLIMBA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Popayán in the Nuevo Reyno de Gra-
COLINA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Santiago in the kingdom of Chile ;
in the district of which there are five chapels of
case, in a spacious and beautiful valley.
COLINA, a river of this province and kingdom,
which rises in the mountains of its cordillera, and
enters the Maypo.
COLIUINA, a settlement of the province and
government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guate-
mala ; situate upon a long strip of land on the coast
of the S. sea.
(COLLA, a parish of the province and govern-
ment of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river
near the sea-coast, about eight leagues e. of Colonia
del Sacramento, in lat. 34° 19' 39" s. Long. 57°
21' 43" w.')
COLLADOS, Ensenada de los a bay on
the s. coast of the w. head, and in the territory of
the French, in the island of St. Domingo. It is be-
tween the rock of Bareo and the river Damasein.
COLLAHUAS, and Asiento of Mines of
Caylloma, a province and corregwiiento of Peru ;
bounded n. by that of Cbumbivilcas, e. by that of
Canes and Canches or Tinta, s. e, by that of
Lampa, s. by that of Arequipa, and w. by that of
Camana. It is 52 leagues in length s. e. n. w. and
16 in width. Its temperature is cold, from being
situate in the cordillera ; with the exception of that
part which borders upon Camana, where it is
very mild, especially in the five leagues where its
jurisdiction extends itself in the valley of Sihuas ;
the other five leagues reaching to tlie sea bordering
on Camana. Its productions are various : those
of the valley are comprised in wine, brandies,
wheat, maize, pulse, and fruits, especially figs,
which being preserved, serve as nourishment to
numbers of poor people. The other territories of
this province are of the same temperature, though
comparatively barren. It abounds in large and
small cattle, native sheep, vicunas, and some wild
animals. The roads are dangerous, from the
country’s being extremely unequal, and the greater
part of it beinga craggy ravine, over which labours,
rather than to say runs, a pretty large river, which
has its rise within the province. Here are many
silver mines, from which great riches were formerly
extracted, since they yielded 80 or 100 marks each
caxon. Atthe present day they yield but sparingly,
on account of their great depth, some of them being
200 fathoms in descent ; they are, nevertheless,
worked with tolerable profit. The principal
mountain of these mines is that of Caylloma, and
it was through this mine that the capital was
founded. There are also not wanting mines of
gold, tin, lead, copper, and sulphur; but these, on
account of the deficiency of resources, remain un-
worked. The capital, as we have before stated, is
Caylloma. Its repartimmito used to amount to
37,100 dollars, and its alcavala to 456 dollars per
annum. The other settlements of the jurisdiction
Y chupampa,
COLLANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Mccapa. Its Indian inhabitants have
kept themselves unmixed from any other cast ever
since the time of the conquest ; and in order to still
preserve themselves so, they will not allow of any
strangers sleeping in the settlement, though he
should be sent by the corregidor. If any other
person should come among them, he is put into
prison, and after a very short time dispatched.
Owing to these precautions, the vicious propen-
pensities observable in other settlements are en~
Translation |