| 490490
COLARIA, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the district of the
capital, to the zo. of this province.
COLASTINA, a small river of the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and
enters the Parana,
COLATE, a small river of the province and
alcaldta mayor of Tecoantepec in the kingdom of
Guatemala. It runs into the S. sea, between the
rivers Azatian and Capanerealte.
COLATPA, a settlement of the head settlement
of Olinalá, and alcald'in mayor of TIapa, in Nueva
Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, who
employ themselves in the commerce of chia, a
v/hite medicinal earth, and cochineal, which abound
in their territory : n. w. of its head settlement.
COLAZA, a small and ancient province, ex-
tremely fertile and delightful, belonging at the pre-
sent day to the province of Popayán in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada. It was discovered by Sebas-
tian de Benalcazar in 1536. Its inhabitants, who
were a warlike and cruel race, are entirely extir-
COLCA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Vilcas Huaman in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Huanacapi.
COLCA, another settlement in the province and
corregimiento of Xauja in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Chongos.
COLCA, another, in the province and corregi-
miento of Aimaraez in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Pampamarca.
COLCABAMBA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru.
COLCABAMBA, another settlement, in the pro-
vince and corregimiento of Theanta in the same
COLCAHUANCA, a settlementof the province
and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Pampas.
COLCAMAR, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Luya, its capital.
COLCHA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento oi Lipes, and archbishopric of Charcas,
in Peru. It was formerly the capital, and pre-
serves in its cluirch an image of the blessed virgin,
sent thither by the Emperor Charles V. It is now
annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.
COLCHA, another settlement, of the'province and
corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in the same
COLCHA, another, of the province and corregi-
miento of Cochabamba in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Berenguela,
COLCHAGUA, a province and^ corregimiento
of the kingdom of Chile ; bounded on the e. by
the cordillera Nevada ; s. by the province of
Maule, the river Teno serving as the boundary ;
and w. by the sea. It is 40 leagues in length from
e. to w. and 32 in width from n. to s. Here are
some gold mines, and there were several others,
the working of which has been discontinued : here
are also some copper mines. It abounds in wheat,
large and small cattle, horses and mules. In a
part called Cauquencs are some hot baths, which
arc much frequented, from the salutary affects they
produce, especially upon those affected with the
French disease, leprosy, spots on the skin, or
wounds. The inhabitants of this province amount
to 15,000 souls, and its capital is the town of San
COLCHAGUA, a settlement of this province and
corregimiento, which is the head of a curacy of
another, and contains four chapels of ease.
(COLCHESTER, a township in Ulster county.
New York, on the Popachton branch of Delaware
river, s. w. of Middletown, and about 50 miles
s. w. by s. of Cooperstown. By the state census
of 1796, 193 of its inhabitants are electors.)
(Colchester, a large township in New London
county, Connecticut, seltled in 1701 ; about 15
miles tc. of Norwich, 25 s. e. of Hartford, and 20
n. w. of New London city. It is in contemplation
to have a post-office established in this town.)
(Colchester, the chief town in Chittenden
county, Vermont, is on the e. bank of lake Cham-
plain, at the mouth of Onion river, and n, of Bur-
lington, on Colchester bay, which spreads n. of the
(Colchester, a post-town in Fairfax county,
Virginia ; situate on the n. e. bank of Ocquoquam
creek, three or four miles from its confluence with
the Potowmack ; and is here about 100 yards
wide, and navigable for boats. It contains about
40 houses, and lies 16 miles s. w. of Alexandria,
106 n. by e. of Richmond, and 172 from Phila-
(Colchester River, Nova Scotia. See Cohe-
COLCURA, a fortress of the kingdom of Chile,
built on the opposite shore of the river Biobio, to
restrain the incursions of the warlike Araucanian
Indians, who burnt and destroyed it in 1601.
COLD Bay, in the extremity of the n. coast of
the island of Jamaica, between the port Antonio
and the n. e. point.
(COLD Spring, in the island of Jamaica, is a
villa six miles from the high lands of Liguania.
The grounds are in a high state of improvement.
TranslationCOLARIA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del district en el distrito de la Capital al O de ella.
COLASTINA, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos-Ayres: corre al E y entra en el Paraná.
COLATE, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Tecoantepec en el Reyno de Guatemala: sale al mar del Sur entre el de Azatian y el de Capanerealte.
COLATPA, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Olinalá y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 29 familias de Indios que se ocupan en el comercio de chia y grana en que abunda su territorio: está al NO de su Cabecera.
COLAZA, Provincia pequeña y antigua, fértil y deliciosa, perteneciente hoy a la de Popayan en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: fue descubierta por Sebastian de Benalcázar el año de 1536: sus habitantes que eran guerreros y crueles, se han extinguido enteramente.
COLCA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Vilcas Huaman en el Perú, ansxo al Curato de Huanacapi.
Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Xauja en el propio Reyno, anexo al Curato de Chongos.
Otro en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Ainíaraez en el propio Reyno, anexo al Curato de Pampa marca.
COLCABAMBA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Aimaraez en el Perú.
Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huanta en el propio Reyno.
COLCAHUANCA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huailas en el Perú]], anexo al Curato de Pampas.
COLCAMAR, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Luya y Chillaos en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Luya su Capital.
COLCHA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Lipes y Arzobispado de Charcas en el Perú: fue antiguamente la Capital, y conserva en su Iglesia una Imagen de nuestra Señora, remitida por el Emperador Carlos V: hoy está anexo al Curato de San Cristóval.
Tiene el mismo nombre otro Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chilques y Masques en el propio Reyno.
Otro de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cochabamba en el mismo Reyno, anexo al Curato de Berenguela.
COLCHAGUA, Provincia y Corregimiento del Reyno de Chile: confina por el Oriente con la Cordillera Nevada: por el S con la Provincia de Maule, sirviéndole de límites el río Teno, y por el Poniente con el mar: tiene de largo 40 leguas de Oriente a Poniente, y 32 de ancho de N a S: hay en ella algunas minas de oro corrientes, y en otros tiempos hubo muchas mas que ya no se trabajan, y algunas de cobre: abunda en trigo, ganado mayor y menor, caballos y mulas: en un parage llamado Cauquenes hay unas termas o baños de agua caliente muy frecuentados, por el beneficio que en ellas experimentan los que padecen enfermedades de gálico, lepra, pústulas y llagas: los habitantes de esta Provincia llegan a 15000 almas, y su Capital es la Villa de San Fernando.
Tiene el mismo nombre un Pueblo de esta Provincia y Corregimiento, que es cabeza de Curato de otro, y tiene ademas quatro ayudas de Parroquia.
COLCHESTER, Pueblo de la Provincia y Colonia de Virginia en el Condado de Fairfax a la orilla y boca del río Occoquan,
COLCURA, Fortaleza del Reyno de Chile, construida a la otra parte del río Biobio, para contener las incursiones de los Indios Belicosos Araucanos, que la destruyeron y quemaron el año de 1601.
COLD, Bahía de, 6 del Frió, en la extremidad de la Costa del N de la Isla de Jamayca, hacia la del E, entre el Puerto Antonio, y la Punta del NE. | 490490
COLARIA, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the district of the
capital, to the zo. of this province.
COLASTINA, a small river of the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and
enters the Parana,
COLATE, a small river of the province and
alcaldta mayor of Tecoantepec in the kingdom of
Guatemala. It runs into the S. sea, between the
rivers Azatian and Capanerealte.
COLATPA, a settlement of the head settlement
of Olinalá, and alcald'in mayor of TIapa, in Nueva
Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, who
employ themselves in the commerce of chia, a
v/hite medicinal earth, and cochineal, which abound
in their territory : n. w. of its head settlement.
COLAZA, a small and ancient province, ex-
tremely fertile and delightful, belonging at the pre-
sent day to the province of Popayán in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada. It was discovered by Sebas-
tian de Benalcazar in 1536. Its inhabitants, who
were a warlike and cruel race, are entirely extir-
COLCA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Vilcas Huaman in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Huanacapi.
COLCA, another settlement in the province and
corregimiento of Xauja in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Chongos.
COLCA, another, in the province and corregi-
miento of Aimaraez in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Pampamarca.
COLCABAMBA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru.
COLCABAMBA, another settlement, in the pro-
vince and corregimiento of Theanta in the same
COLCAHUANCA, a settlementof the province
and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Pampas.
COLCAMAR, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Luya, its capital.
COLCHA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento oi Lipes, and archbishopric of Charcas,
in Peru. It was formerly the capital, and pre-
serves in its cluirch an image of the blessed virgin,
sent thither by the Emperor Charles V. It is now
annexed to the curacy of San Christoval.
COLCHA, another settlement, of the'province and
corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in the same
COLCHA, another, of the province and corregi-
miento of Cochabamba in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Berenguela,
COLCHAGUA, a province and^ corregimiento
of the kingdom of Chile ; bounded on the e. by
the cordillera Nevada ; s. by the province of
Maule, the river Teno serving as the boundary ;
and w. by the sea. It is 40 leagues in length from
e. to w. and 32 in width from n. to s. Here are
some gold mines, and there were several others,
the working of which has been discontinued : here
are also some copper mines. It abounds in wheat,
large and small cattle, horses and mules. In a
part called Cauquencs are some hot baths, which
arc much frequented, from the salutary affects they
produce, especially upon those affected with the
French disease, leprosy, spots on the skin, or
wounds. The inhabitants of this province amount
to 15,000 souls, and its capital is the town of San
COLCHAGUA, a settlement of this province and
corregimiento, which is the head of a curacy of
another, and contains four chapels of ease.
(COLCHESTER, a township in Ulster county.
New York, on the Popachton branch of Delaware
river, s. w. of Middletown, and about 50 miles
s. w. by s. of Cooperstown. By the state census
of 1796, 193 of its inhabitants are electors.)
(Colchester, a large township in New London
county, Connecticut, seltled in 1701 ; about 15
miles tc. of Norwich, 25 s. e. of Hartford, and 20
n. w. of New London city. It is in contemplation
to have a post-office established in this town.)
(Colchester, the chief town in Chittenden
county, Vermont, is on the e. bank of lake Cham-
plain, at the mouth of Onion river, and n, of Bur-
lington, on Colchester bay, which spreads n. of the
(Colchester, a post-town in Fairfax county,
Virginia ; situate on the n. e. bank of Ocquoquam
creek, three or four miles from its confluence with
the Potowmack ; and is here about 100 yards
wide, and navigable for boats. It contains about
40 houses, and lies 16 miles s. w. of Alexandria,
106 n. by e. of Richmond, and 172 from Phila-
(Colchester River, Nova Scotia. See Cohe-
COLCURA, a fortress of the kingdom of Chile,
built on the opposite shore of the river Biobio, to
restrain the incursions of the warlike Araucanian
Indians, who burnt and destroyed it in 1601.
COLD Bay, in the extremity of the n. coast of
the island of Jamaica, between the port Antonio
and the n. e. point.
(COLD Spring, in the island of Jamaica, is a
villa six miles from the high lands of Liguania.
The grounds are in a high state of improvement.
Translation |