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LLILAS Benson at Oct 17, 2018 10:45 AM





four or five times in the year ; which causes the
ground to be so parched, that it would be entirely
uninhabitable, were it not for the multitude of
streams with which it is intersected, and which
render the temperature mild and healthy. The
country for the most part consists of levels, covered
with green shrubs and trees, forming shady woods
of three or four leagues in extent. In these are
found the Brazil-wood, ebony, &c. which serve as
an asylum for wild beasts, leopards and wild
boars, deer and rabbits, a variety of mountain cats,
coyotes, serpents and vipers. In the valleys are
found a multitude of quails, turtle-doves, pheasants,
cranes, parrots, macaws, much esteemed for the
beauty of their plumage, and with which the In-
dians adorn themselves, and an infinite variety of
other birds. The rivers, all of which descend from
the sierras of Topia, in the rainy season increase to
such a degree as to inundate the country for the
space of three or four leagues ; and generally re-
maining out for eight days at least, the Indians are
under the necessity of forming for themselves a
kind of terrace upon the branches of trees, by means
of planks and sods, where they make fires and dress
their food. There are many salt ponds, also mines
of silver, which are not worked for want of la-
bourers. This province was peopled by several
nations of Indians, who had their villages and huts
on the sides of rivers. They used to maintain them-
selves on maize, which they cultivated, afso on ca-
labashes, which are very sweet and savoury, French
beans, and a species of wild caroh plant, called by
them mesqnites, and which being ground, they
used to drink in water, after the manner of choco-
late. They had also another delicacy in the plant
called mezcalj which resembles the savila ; of this
there are several sorts, of which they make wine,
sweets, and vinegar ; of its tendrils thread, and of
its prickles needles. This country also abounds in
nopales, pitahayas, and other plants, including
many which are native to Europe. Alvar Nunez
Cabeza de Vaca was the first who discovered this
extensive province in his perigrination, after he had
suffered shipwreck in going from Florida to
Mexico ; and from his report of it, the viceroy
Bon Antonio de Mendoza was induced to send into
it some persons to discover more concerning it. In
1590 it was visited by the regulars of the com-
pany of Jesuits, who came hither to preach the
gospel. They succeeded in making proselytes
amongst the natives, and established a regular
mission, which was patronized by the Queen Dona
Margarita of Austria, wife of Philip III. ; she
having sent, for the promotion of the interests of

this* great object, and for the decorations of the
altars, &c. several valuable presents of jewels,
ornaments, and other precious articles. The
capital is the town of San Felipe and Santiago,
and the other settlements are,

Montes Claros, Toro,

Real de Alamos, Concepcion,

Bocaverito, Loreto,

Noguera, Navajoa,

Camoa, Tecia,

Guarabe, Tepehue,

Ocosconi, Real de los Fra-

Mocorito, yeles,

San Ignacio, Vaca,

Santa Ana, Toriz,

Achogoa, Cuytes,

Caurimpo, Temoris,

Mocoyaguy, Chinipas,

Chiguaguilla, Valle Umbroso,

Tegueco, Guazapares,

Sivirijoa, Jatebo,

Charay, Guadalupe,

Mochicarui, Mayo,

San Miguel, Canamoas,

Haome, Batacosa.

Santa Maria,

Same name, a river of this province (Cinaloa), which runs to
enter the sea in the gulf of CaJiforna, or Mar Roxo
de 'Cortes, between the rivers Culiacan and Del

CINAMIN, a river of the province and cap^
tainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near
the coast, and runs into the sea close to the cape
of San Roque.

[CINCINNATI, a flourishing town in the ter-
ritory of the United States, n. w. of the Ohio, and
the present seat of government. It stands on the
n. bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of Lick-
ing river, two miles and a half s. w. of fort Wash-
ington, and about eight miles w. of Columbia.
Both these towns lie between Great and Little
Miami rivers. Cincinnati contains about 200
houses ; and is 82 miles n. bye. of Frankfort;
90 n. w. of Lexington, and 779 w. by s. of
Philadelphia. Lat. 38° 42' n. Long. 84° IP

[CINCINNATUS is the s. easternmost of the
military townships of New York state. It has Vir-
gil on the and Salem, in Herkemer county, on the

e. and lies on two branches of Tioughnioga river,
a n. w. branch of the Chenango. The centre of
the town lies 53 miles s. w. by w. of Cooperstown,
and 39 s. e. by s. of the 5. e, end of Salt lake.
Lat. 42° 27'



quatro 6 cinco veces, de que resulta tanta sequedad en la tierra, que seria inhabitable si no fuese por los muchos rios caudalosos que la riegan, y hace que el temple sea sano: la mayor parte es terreno llano, poblado de arbustos y árboles silvestres, formando selvas espesas de tres y quatro leguas, en que se halla palo de Brasil, évano y otras maderas, y sirven de asilo a las fieras como leopardos, javalies, venados y conejos, variedad de gatos monteses, coyotes, muchas serpientes y vivoras; en los valles se halla multitud de aves, codornices, tórtolas, faisanes, grullas, papagayos, guacamayas muy estimadas por el hermoso color de sus plumas con que se adornan los Indios, y otra infinita variedad de paxaros: los ríos, que todos baxan de las sierras de Topia, en tiempo de lluvias tienen crecientes tan grandes que se extienden dos y tres leguas, inundando los campos, y suelen durar ocho días en cuyo tiempo, como no tienen montes ni alturas, forman los Indios una terraza con tablas y tierra sobre los árboles para hacer fuego; tiene muchas salinas, minas de plata que no se trabajan por falta de operarios estaba poblada esta Provincia de muchas naciones de Indios, que tenían sus aldeas y chozas a la orilla de los rios: se mantenían del maiz que cultivaban, como también calabazas muy dulces y sabrosas, fríxoles y un género de algarrovilla silvestre que llaman Mesquites, y molidas bebían en agua a semejanza del chocolate; también les servia de regalo otra planta que llaman Mezcal, semejante a la savila, aunque la hay de varias especies, de que hacen vino, miel y vinagre, de sus pencas hilo y de las puntas agujas; abunda en nopales, pitahayas y en otras plantas, dándose asimismo muchas de las de Europa: Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca fue el primero que descubrió esta dilatada Provincia en su peregrinación, quando naufragó, desde la Florida a México, y con su relación envió a ella descubridores el Virey Don Antonio de Mendoza: el año de 1590 entraron a predicar el Evangelio los Regulares de la Compañia, que reduxéron a sus naturales estableciendo una Misión, para cuyo fomento regaló la Reyna Dona Margarita de Austria, muger de Felipe III, muchas alhajas, ornamentos y demas cosas precisas al culto divino: la Capital es la Villa de San Felipe y Santiago, y las demás poblaciones son:
Montes Claros,
Real de Alamos,
San Ignacio.
Santa Ana
San Miguel.
Santa María.
Real de los Frayles.
Valle umbroso.

CINAMIN, Río de la Provincia y Capitanía de río Grande en el Brasil; nace cerca de la Costa, corre al NNE, y sale al mar junto al Cabo de San Roque.





four or five times in the year ; which causes the
ground to be so parched, that it would be entirely
uninhabitable, were it not for the multitude of
streams with which it is intersected, and which
render the temperature mild and healthy. The
country for the most part consists of levels, covered
with green shrubs and trees, forming shady woods
of three or four leagues in extent. In these are
found the Brazil-wood, ebony, &c. which serve as
an asylum for wild beasts, leopards and wild
boars, deer and rabbits, a variety of mountain cats,
coyotes, serpents and vipers. In the valleys are
found a multitude of quails, turtle-doves, pheasants,
cranes, parrots, macaws, much esteemed for the
beauty of their plumage, and with which the In-
dians adorn themselves, and an infinite variety of
other birds. The rivers, all of which descend from
the sierras of Topia, in the rainy season increase to
such a degree as to inundate the country for the
space of three or four leagues ; and generally re-
maining out for eight days at least, the Indians are
under the necessity of forming for themselves a
kind of terrace upon the branches of trees, by means
of planks and sods, where they make fires and dress
their food. There are many salt ponds, also mines
of silver, which are not worked for want of la-
bourers. This province was peopled by several
nations of Indians, who had their villages and huts
on the sides of rivers. They used to maintain them-
selves on maize, which they cultivated, afso on ca-
labashes, which are very sweet and savoury, French
beans, and a species of wild caroh plant, called by
them mesqnites, and which being ground, they
used to drink in water, after the manner of choco-
late. They had also another delicacy in the plant
called mezcalj which resembles the savila ; of this
there are several sorts, of which they make wine,
sweets, and vinegar ; of its tendrils thread, and of
its prickles needles. This country also abounds in
nopales, pitahayas, and other plants, including
many which are native to Europe. Alvar Nunez
Cabeza de Vaca was the first who discovered this
extensive province in his perigrination, after he had
suffered shipwreck in going from Florida to
Mexico ; and from his report of it, the viceroy
Bon Antonio de Mendoza was induced to send into
it some persons to discover more concerning it. In
1590 it was visited by the regulars of the com-
pany of Jesuits, who came hither to preach the
gospel. They succeeded in making proselytes
amongst the natives, and established a regular
mission, which was patronized by the Queen Dona
Margarita of Austria, wife of Philip III. ; she
having sent, for the promotion of the interests of

this* great object, and for the decorations of the
altars, &c. several valuable presents of jewels,
ornaments, and other precious articles. The
capital is the town of San Felipe and Santiago,
and the other settlements are,

Montes Claros, Toro,

Real de Alamos, Concepcion,

Bocaverito, Loreto,

Noguera, Navajoa,

Camoa, Tecia,

Guarabe, Tepehue,

Ocosconi, Real de los Fra-

Mocorito, yeles,

San Ignacio, Vaca,

Santa Ana, Toriz,

Achogoa, Cuytes,

Caurimpo, Temoris,

Mocoyaguy, Chinipas,

Chiguaguilla, Valle Umbroso,

Tegueco, Guazapares,

Sivirijoa, Jatebo,

Charay, Guadalupe,

Mochicarui, Mayo,

San Miguel, Canamoas,

Haome, Batacosa.

Santa Maria,

Same name, a river of this province (Cinaloa), which runs to
enter the sea in the gulf of CaJiforna, or Mar Roxo
de 'Cortes, between the rivers Culiacan and Del

CINAMIN, a river of the province and cap^
tainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near
the coast, and runs into the sea close to the cape
of San Roque.

[CINCINNATI, a flourishing town in the ter-
ritory of the United States, n. w. of the Ohio, and
the present seat of government. It stands on the
n. bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of Lick-
ing river, two miles and a half s. w. of fort Wash-
ington, and about eight miles w. of Columbia.
Both these towns lie between Great and Little
Miami rivers. Cincinnati contains about 200
houses ; and is 82 miles n. bye. of Frankfort;
90 n. w. of Lexington, and 779 w. by s. of
Philadelphia. Lat. 38° 42' n. Long. 84° IP

[CINCINNATUS is the s. easternmost of the
military townships of New York state. It has Vir-
gil on the and Salem, in Herkemer county, on the

e. and lies on two branches of Tioughnioga river,
a n. w. branch of the Chenango. The centre of
the town lies 53 miles s. w. by w. of Cooperstown,
and 39 s. e. by s. of the 5. e, end of Salt lake.
Lat. 42° 27'

