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2 revisions | josiembrum at Oct 08, 2018 10:10 AM | |
422422 CHILE. ftime (1555) extended over the whole of S. 17. Concepcion rehuiU^ and destroyed by Lau- 18. Lauiaro arrives at Saiitiago . — Lautaro had intent ho quitted the great road, secretly directed 19. Death of Lautaro. — Lautaro, who at that 20. Caupolican raises the siege of Imperial. Translation | 422422 CHILE. ftime (1555) extended over the whole of S. America, did not think proper to commit the go- vernment to either, but in their place directed that tlie corre^idors ot the city should have the com- mand, each in his respective district, until further orders. 17. Concepcion rehuiU^ and destroyed by Lau- taro . — Upon a remonstrance of the inhabitants to the court of audience, Villagran was afterwards appointed to the command, but merely, however, with the ti(l<‘ of correffidor, receiving orders at the same time to rebuild the city of Concepcion. No sooner was this order executed, than the young Lantaro rallied his array, and, exasperated against what he termed “ obstinacy,” passed the Biobio without delay, and attacked tlie Spaniards, who imprudently confiding in their valour, awaited him in the open plain. The first encounter de- cided the fate of the battle. The Amucanians en- tered the fort with those citizens who fled with precipitation, and killed a great number of them ; some indeed embarked in a ship which was in the port, and others fled into the woods. Thus Lau- taro, having plundered and burned the city as before, returned laden with spoils to his wonted station. Continued victories had so heightened the confidence of this commander, that nothing appeared to him impossible, and he formed the determination of attacking the Spaniards in their very capital, of carrying his arms against Santiago itself. He accordingly passed with a chosen band of 600 followers through the country of the Pro- maucians, where his indignation did not fail to I vent itself upon these people : a people detested by him for having submitted to the Spanish yoke. The inhabitants of Santiago could not at first be- lieve it possible that he should have had the bold- ness to undertake a journey of SOO miles in order to attack tliem ; but being undeceived as to the fact, thought proper to make some preparations of defence. 18. Lauiaro arrives at Saiitiago . — Lautaro had now encamped his army in a low meadow, on the shore of the Matiquito ; a measure he had been obliged to adopt from repeated loss he had sus- tained in some skirmishes with young Villagran, who had taken the command on account of his fa- tlier being confined by sickness ; but the father having recovered his health, and being strongly solicited by the citizens, who every moment ex- pected to see the Araucaniaris at their gates, at length, in 1556, began his march with 196 Spa- niards, and 1000 auxiliaries, in search of Lautaro; but too well remernberingthe defeat of Mariguenu, he resolved to attack him by surprise. With this intent ho quitted the great road, secretly directed his march by the sea-shore, and under the guid- ance of a spy, by a private path, came at day- break upon the Araucanian encampment, 19. Death of Lautaro. — Lautaro, who at that moment had retired to rest, after having been upon guard, as was his custom during the night, leap- ed from his bed at the first alarm of the sentinels, and ran to the entrenchments to observe the enemy ; at this moment a dart, hurled by one of the Indian auxiliaries, pierced his heart, and he fell lifeless in the arms of his companions. It would seem that fortune, hitherto propitious, was desirous by so sudden a death to save him from the mortifica- tion of finding himself, for the first time in his life, defeated. It is, however, not improbable that his genius, so fertile in expedients, would have sug- gested to h ira some plan to have baffled the at- tempts of the assailants, if this fatal accident had not occurred. Encouraged by this unexpected success, Villagran attacked the fortifications on all sides, and forced an entrance, notwithstanding the obstinate resistance of the Araucanians, who, retiring to an angle of the works, determined ra- ther to be cut to pieces than to surrender them- selves to those who had slain their beloved general. In vain the Spanish commander repeatedly oilered them quarter ; none of them accepted it, excepting a few of the neighbouring Indians who happened to be in their camp. The Araucanians perished to a man, after having fought with such obstinacy, that a few of the last souglit their death by throw- ing themselves on the lances of their enemies. This victory, which was not obtained without great loss by the victors, was celebrated for three days in succession in Santiago, and in all the other Spanish settlements, with the utmost demonstra- tions of joy. The Spaniards felicitated themselves on being at last freed from an enemy, who at the early age of 19 had already obtained so many victories over their nation, and who possessed ta- lents capable of entirely destroying their establish- ments in Chile, and even harassing them in Peru, as he liad resolved upon, when he had restored the liberty of his native country. The Araucanians tor a long time lamented the loss of their valiant countryman, to whom they owed all the success of their arms, and on whose conduct and valour th(*y entirely relied for the recovery of their liber- ties. His name is still celebraied in their heroic songs, and his actions proposed as the most glo- rious model for the imitation of their youth. 20. Caupolican raises the siege of Imperial. But above all, Caupolican felt this fatal loss; as he was a sincere lover of his country, far from] Translation |