| 384384
tilizes the valley which gives it its name ; and runs
30 leagues, collecting the waters of many other
streams, mountain floods, and rivulets, which aug-
ment it to such a degree as to render the fording of
it impracticable just where it enters the sea.
CHICAMOCHA, a river of the province and
corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It rises in the paramo or mounlain-
desert of Albarracin, between that city and the
city of Santa Fe, on the 7i. side : when it passes
through Tunja, being then merely a rivulet, it has
the name of the river of Gallinazos, which it after-
wards changes for that of Sogamoso ; and for that
of Chia, Avhen it passes through this settlement.
It is afterwards called Chicamocha, and passes
through various provinces, until it becomes incor-
porated with the Magdalena, into which it enters
in one large mouth. A little before this it forms
a good port, called De la Tora, where there was
formerly a settlement, but which is at present in
a state of utter ruin.
CHICANAM, a small river of the province and
colony of Surinam, or the part of Guayana pos-
sessed by the Dutch. It is one of those which
enter into the Cuyuni.
CHICANI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru j annexed to
the curacy of Combaya.
(CHICAPEE, or Chickabee, a smrdl river in
Massachusetts, which rises from several ponds in
Worcester county, and running s.zo. unites with
Ware river, and six miles further empties into the
Connecticut at Springfield, on the e. bank of that
CHICAQUARO, a small settlement or ward,
of the district and jurisdiction of Valladolid, in the
province and bishopric of Mcchoacan.
CHICASAWS, a settlement of Indians of S.
Carolina, comprising the Indians of this nation,
who have here many other settlements ; in all of
which the English have forts, and an establish-
ment for their commerce and defence.
Chicasaws, a river of this province, which
runs w. and enters the Mississippi 788 miles from
its mouth, or entrance into the sea.
(CHICCAMOGGA, a large creek, which runs
n.w. into Tennessee river. Its rnoutli is six miles
above the Whirl, and about 27 s. w. from the
mouth of the Ilivvassee. The Chiccamogga Indian
towns lie on this creek, and on the bank of the
Tennessee. See Ciiickamages.)
CHICHAS y Tarija, a province and correg/-
miertto of Peru ; bounded on the n. by that of
Ginti, s. by that of Tucuman, the river called
Quiaca serving as the line of division, vo. by that
of Lipes, and n. by that of Porco. The district of
Tarija belonging to this corregimiento, which is 40
leagues distant from the capital of Chichas, is
bounded e. by the territories of the infidel Chiri-
guanos, Chanaes, and Mataguayos Indians, to the
first settlements of which from the last habitations
of Tarija there is a narrow, craggy, and mountain-
ous route of 14 leagues in length. It is also
bounded on the n. and w. by the valley of Pilaya,
and on the s, by the jurisdiction of Xuxui. The
district of Chichas is 140 leagues in circumference,
and that of Tarija 80, being either of them inter-
sected by some extensive seiTanias : in the boun-
daries of the former there are many farms and
estates for breeding cattle, where are also produced
potatoes, maize, wheat, barley and other grain,
likewise some wine. Here are mines of gold and
silver, which were formerly very rich ; it having
been usual for the principal ones to yield some
thousand marks in each caxon ; this being espe-
cially the case in the mines of Nueva Chocaya,
which still yield to this da}-- 60 or 60 marks. Many
of the metals found in these mines are worked up
for useful purposes. The mines of Chilocoa have,
on the Whole, been most celebrated fortlieir riches.
The rivers, which are of some note, are that of
Supacha, which flows down from the cordillera of
Lipes, and running e. passes through the middle of
the province until it enters the valley of Cinti, of
the province of Pilaya and Paspaya ; and another,
called Toropalca, which enters the province of
Porco, and passes on to the same part of Cinti.
The inhabitants of this district amount to 6200.
In the settlement of Tatasi both men and women
are subject to a distressing lunacy, which causes
them to run wildly and heedlessly over the moun-
tains, without any regard to the precipices which
lie in their way ; since it has generally been ob-
served that they dash themselves headlong down :
if, however, it should happen that they are not
killed, the fall, they say, frequently restores them
to a sane mind. The observation, that the animals
of this country, namely, \\ie vicunas and the native
sheep, are subject to this malady, is without founda-
tion ; but it is thought to arise from the peculiar
eflluviasof the minerals abounding here, and which
have a great tendency to cause convulsions. The
women of tlie aforesaid settlement, when about to
bring forth children, like to be delivered of them
in the low parts of the qiiebradas, or deep glens.
The settlements of this province are,
Santiago de Cota- San Antonio de Rio
gaiia, Blanco,
Translationfertiliza el valle que le da nombre, y corre 30 leguas, recogiendo las aguas de otros muchos arroyos, quebradas y riachuelos que aumentan sa caudal hasta salir al mar, de modo que muchas veces no se puede vadear.
CHICAMOCHA, Río] de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Tunja en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: nace en el Páramo de Albarracin, entre aquella Ciudad y la de Santa Fe, a la parte del N: quando pasa por Tunja, que solo es un arroyo, tiene el nombre de río de Gallinazos, que luego cambia por el de Sogamoso, y por el de Chia quando pasa por este Pueblo; después se llama Chicamocha, y atraviesa varias Provincias hasta incorporarse con el de la Magdalena, donde entra con una gran boca; poco antes tiene un buen Puerto llamado de la Tora, donde hubo antiguamente un Pueblo que hoy está arruinado;
CHICANAM, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Colonia de Surinám o parte de la Guayana que poseen los Holandeses, y es uno de los que entran en el Cuyuni.
CHICANI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Larecaja en el Perú, anejo al Curato de Combayá.
CHICAQUARO, Pueblo pequeño o barrio del distrito y jurisdicción de Valladolid en la Provincia y Obispado de Mechoacan.
CHICASAUUS, Pueblo de Indios de la Carolina meridional de Indios de esta nación que tiene otros varios, y en todos ellos tienen los Ingleses fuertes y establecimiento para su comercio y defensa.
Tiene el mismo nombre un río de esta Provincia que corre al O, y entra en el Missisipi 780 millas de su boca o salida al mar.
CHICHAS y Tarija, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú: confina por el N con la de Cinti, por el S con la del Tucumán, sirviendo de división el río que llaman de Qukca, por el O con la de Lipes, y por el N con la de Porco; el Partido de Tarija perteneciente a este Corregimiento, que dista de la Capital de Ctóchas 40 leguas, confina por el E con las tierras de los Indios Infieles Chiriguanos, Chanaes y Mataguayos a cuyos primeros pueblos hay desde las últimas habitaciones de Tarija 14 leguas de caminos fragosos, estrechuras y montañas: confina también por el N y O coa el valle de Pilaya, y por el S con la jurisdicción de Xuxúi: el Partido de Chichas tiene 140 leguas de circuito, y el de Tarija 80, divididos por unas dilatadas serranías: en los términos del primero hay muchas estancias y haciendas de ganado donde se cogen papas, maiz, trigo, cebada y otras semillas, y algún vino: hay minerales de oro y plata que fueron muy ricos, y de los primeros algunos dieron millares de marcos por caxon, especialmente en la Nueva Chocaya, donde aun rinden 50 y 60 marcos: muchos de estos metales se benefician por fundición; entre los de oro el de Chiloca ha sido famoso por su riqueza: los ríos que tiene algo considerables son el de Supacha, que baxa de la Cordillera de Lipes, y corriendo al E pasa por medio de la Provincia hasta entrar en el valle de Cínti, de la de Pilaya y Paspaya: el otro es el de Toropalca, que entra en la de Porco y pasa al mismo parage de Cinti: los habitantes de este Partido llegan a 6200: en el Pueblo de Tatasi padecen hombres y mugeres la rara enfermedad de una fuerte locura, con la qual dan en correr desatentadamente por los cerros sin reparar en precipicios, pues ordinariamente se despeñan, habiéndose observado que si no mueren de la caida sanan de la locura, y no hay observación que entre los animales padezcan esta enfermedad las vicuñas y carneros de la tierra; se cree que proviene de los especiales efluvios de los minerales de aquel territorio, que es muy propenso a convulsiones: las mugeres del Pueblo referido para lograr sus hijos van a parir a los lugares baxos de la Quebrada. | 384384
tilizes the valley which gives it its name ; and runs
30 leagues, collecting the waters of many other
streams, mountain floods, and rivulets, which aug-
ment it to such a degree as to render the fording of
it impracticable just where it enters the sea.
CHICAMOCHA, a river of the province and
corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It rises in the paramo or mounlain-
desert of Albarracin, between that city and the
city of Santa Fe, on the 7i. side : when it passes
through Tunja, being then merely a rivulet, it has
the name of the river of Gallinazos, which it after-
wards changes for that of Sogamoso ; and for that
of Chia, Avhen it passes through this settlement.
It is afterwards called Chicamocha, and passes
through various provinces, until it becomes incor-
porated with the Magdalena, into which it enters
in one large mouth. A little before this it forms
a good port, called De la Tora, where there was
formerly a settlement, but which is at present in
a state of utter ruin.
CHICANAM, a small river of the province and
colony of Surinam, or the part of Guayana pos-
sessed by the Dutch. It is one of those which
enter into the Cuyuni.
CHICANI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru j annexed to
the curacy of Combaya.
(CHICAPEE, or Chickabee, a smrdl river in
Massachusetts, which rises from several ponds in
Worcester county, and running s.zo. unites with
Ware river, and six miles further empties into the
Connecticut at Springfield, on the e. bank of that
CHICAQUARO, a small settlement or ward,
of the district and jurisdiction of Valladolid, in the
province and bishopric of Mcchoacan.
CHICASAWS, a settlement of Indians of S.
Carolina, comprising the Indians of this nation,
who have here many other settlements ; in all of
which the English have forts, and an establish-
ment for their commerce and defence.
Chicasaws, a river of this province, which
runs w. and enters the Mississippi 788 miles from
its mouth, or entrance into the sea.
(CHICCAMOGGA, a large creek, which runs
n.w. into Tennessee river. Its rnoutli is six miles
above the Whirl, and about 27 s. w. from the
mouth of the Ilivvassee. The Chiccamogga Indian
towns lie on this creek, and on the bank of the
Tennessee. See Ciiickamages.)
CHICHAS y Tarija, a province and correg/-
miertto of Peru ; bounded on the n. by that of
Ginti, s. by that of Tucuman, the river called
Quiaca serving as the line of division, vo. by that
of Lipes, and n. by that of Porco. The district of
Tarija belonging to this corregimiento, which is 40
leagues distant from the capital of Chichas, is
bounded e. by the territories of the infidel Chiri-
guanos, Chanaes, and Mataguayos Indians, to the
first settlements of which from the last habitations
of Tarija there is a narrow, craggy, and mountain-
ous route of 14 leagues in length. It is also
bounded on the n. and w. by the valley of Pilaya,
and on the s, by the jurisdiction of Xuxui. The
district of Chichas is 140 leagues in circumference,
and that of Tarija 80, being either of them inter-
sected by some extensive seiTanias : in the boun-
daries of the former there are many farms and
estates for breeding cattle, where are also produced
potatoes, maize, wheat, barley and other grain,
likewise some wine. Here are mines of gold and
silver, which were formerly very rich ; it having
been usual for the principal ones to yield some
thousand marks in each caxon ; this being espe-
cially the case in the mines of Nueva Chocaya,
which still yield to this da}-- 60 or 60 marks. Many
of the metals found in these mines are worked up
for useful purposes. The mines of Chilocoa have,
on the Whole, been most celebrated fortlieir riches.
The rivers, which are of some note, are that of
Supacha, which flows down from the cordillera of
Lipes, and running e. passes through the middle of
the province until it enters the valley of Cinti, of
the province of Pilaya and Paspaya ; and another,
called Toropalca, which enters the province of
Porco, and passes on to the same part of Cinti.
The inhabitants of this district amount to 6200.
In the settlement of Tatasi both men and women
are subject to a distressing lunacy, which causes
them to run wildly and heedlessly over the moun-
tains, without any regard to the precipices which
lie in their way ; since it has generally been ob-
served that they dash themselves headlong down :
if, however, it should happen that they are not
killed, the fall, they say, frequently restores them
to a sane mind. The observation, that the animals
of this country, namely, \\ie vicunas and the native
sheep, are subject to this malady, is without founda-
tion ; but it is thought to arise from the peculiar
eflluviasof the minerals abounding here, and which
have a great tendency to cause convulsions. The
women of tlie aforesaid settlement, when about to
bring forth children, like to be delivered of them
in the low parts of the qiiebradas, or deep glens.
The settlements of this province are,
Santiago de Cota- San Antonio de Rio
gaiia, Blanco,
Translation |