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4 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 05:46 PM


Olifo, and between the rivers of Great and Little

Castors, a port on the s. coast of Nova Scotia,
between the White isles and the port of Tangier.

CASTRO, a capital city of the province and
government of Chiloé in the kingdom of Chile;
peopled by the order of Don Lope Garcia de Cas-
tro, governor of Peru, who gave it his name in
1560 : it lies, between two small livers, and has a
good port; is inhabited by some good and opu-
lent families, and enjoys a pleasant ,and healthy
temperature. It is also called Chjloe, and is of a
regular and beautiful form ; has, besides the pa-
rish church, a convent of monks of St. Francis,
and a bishop auxiliary to that of Santiago. It was
.sacked by the Dutch in 1643 ; is 42 leagues s. of
the city of Osorno, in lat. 42° 40' s.

Castro, another capital city of the province and
government of Esmeraldas or Atacames in the king-
dom of Quito ; founded. in the valley of Fili by
Francisco Quintero, in 1586.

Castro, another settlement of the province and
cvrregimknto of Chillan in the kingdom of Chile ;
situate in the island of Maule, on the shore of the
river Longomilla.

Castro-Vireyna, a province and corregimiento
of Peru, bounded n. w. by the province ofCanete,
«. by that of Yauyos, n. e. by that of Angaraes,
and partly by the jurisdiction of Huamanga and
Huanta, m. by that of Vilcas Huaman, s. w. by
that of Lucanas, and s. s. w. and w. by that of
\^ca. It is uneven and barren, and its inhabi-
tants, on this account, amount scarcely to 6900,
although it is 22 leagues in length from e. to as,
and 25 in width n. to s. No mines have been dis-
covered here, nor are there any other roads to it
than merely such as are opened through passes in
the snow, or where no obstruction is ofered by
the copious streams which every where precipi-
tate themselves down from the mountains, and
which are particularly large in the rainy season,
which is from October to Slarch. Its productions
are wheat, maize, and potatoes; and in some
glens, where the cold is not so great, fruits and
cattle are extremely plentiful. Here are also lla~
mas, vicunas, and huanacos, the wool of which
they turn to some profit. This province is wa-
tered by rivers, some of which descend from the
provinces of the coast of the S. sea, and others
from the further side of the cordillera, running
towards the e. and entering the Maranon ; it is
also watered by the Canete, which rises from the
Chicha, and collects other streams in this province ;
by the Pisco, which rises from a lake called
.firacocha ; by the Yea, from the lake Choclo-

cocha ; and by the Calcamayo, which enters the
province of Vilcas Huaman. In all the waters of
this province, notwithstanding they are very abun-
dant, there is a great scarcity of fish, and without
doubt this arises from the cold which prevails
here. This province is but thinly peopled, and its
inhabitants are poor : they do not, we have heard,
amount to more than 7000 souls. It consists of six
curacies, to which there are 29 other settlements
annexed. Its yearly reparlimiento amounted to
86,400 dollars, and it paid an alcavala equal to
691 dollars. The capital is of the same name ; this
is a small and poor town, situate on a lofty spot,
where the cold is most intense : close to it runs a
river, which is made use of for working the mills
of the silver mines ; which, although they pro-
duce this metal of a good quality, they are by no
means well stocked with it. The town has a con-
vent of monks of St. Francis, and two large estates
called Huallanto and Huallanga, in which thera
are churches annexed to this curacy ; is 14 leagues
from Huancablica, 26 from Pisco, and 60 from

la. Long. 74° 44'. Lat. 13° 49' s. The

ements of the province












Santa Ana,





















Y anac.



CASUHATI, a mountam of the province and
governmemt of Buenos Ayres, on the shore of the
river Hueque Lenori.

CASURO, a river of the province and coun-
try of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese pos-
sessions: it runs s. s. e. and enters the Trom-

(CASWELL County, in Hillsborough district,
N. Carolina, borders on Virginia, n : it contains
10,096 inhabitants, of whom 2736 are slaves.
Leesburg is the chief town.)

(CAT Island, or Guanahani, one of the Ba-
hama islands
. See St. Salvador.)

CATA, a settlement of the province and govern-


Ohio y entre los rios Marnee grande y chico.

CASTORES, Puerto de los, en la Costa del S de la Nueva Escocia, entre las Islas Blancas y el Puerto de Tangier.

CASTRO, Ciudad Capital de la Provincia y Gobierno de Chiloé en el Reyno de Chile, poblada de orden de Don Lope García de Castro, Gobernador del Perú, que le dio su nombre el año de 1560: está entre dos rios pequeños con un buen Puerto: habitan en ella algunas familias de distinción y ricas, goza de un clima alegre y sano; también la llaman Chibe, y es de planta regular y hermosa: tiene ademas de la Iglesia Parroquial un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, y Obispo auxiliar del de Santiago; los Holandeses la saquearon el año de 1643 está 42 leguas al S de la Ciudad de Osorno en 42 gr. 39 minut. de latit. aust.

Tiene el mismo nombre otra Ciudad Capital de la Provincia y Gobierno de Esmeraldas o Atacames en el Reyno de Quito, fundada en el Valle de Vili por Francisco Quintero el año de 1586.

CASTRO-VIREINA, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú, confina por el NO con la de Cañete: por el N con la de Yauyos: por el NE con la de Angaraes, y parte con la jurisdicion de Huamanga y Huanta: por el O con la de Vilcas Huaman, por el SO con la de Lucanas, y por el S, SO y O con la de Yca: es fragosa y estéril, y por eso apenas llegan sus habitantes a 60 900 siendo así que tiene 22 leguas de largo de Oriente a Poniente, y 25 de ancho N S. No hay en ella minas descubiertas, ni mas caminos que los que cada uno se abre por donde lo permiten las nieves y corrientes de los muchos arroyos que a cada paso se hallan precipitados de los montes, especialmente en tiempo de aguas, que es desde Octubre a Marzo: los frutos que produce son trigo, maiz y papas, y en una 11 otra quebrada menos fria algunas frutas. Lo que abunda mucho son los ganados, por la multitud de pastos que hay en ella, y también llamas o carneros de la tierra, vicuñas y huanacos, cuya lana aprovechan: riéganla algunos ríos, unos que baxan de las Provincias de la Costa del mar del Sur, y otros de la otra parte ác la Cordillera, que van por las que están al Oriente a entrar en el Marañon: el de Cañete que nace del de Chicha y recoge aguas en esta Provincia, el de Pisco de una laguna llamada Orcacocha, el de Yca de otra nombrada Chococha, el de Calcamayo que entra en la Provincia de Vilcashuaman: de todas estas lagunas, aun con ser bien grandes, no se saca pescado alguno por el excesivo frío que hace en los parages que están: es muy poco poblada esta Provincia y pobre su población, que como hemos dicho no llega a 70 almas: consta de 6 Curatos, en que tiene otros 29 Pueblos anexos. Su repartimiento era de 8604oo pesos fuertes, pagando de alcavala 691 cada año. La Capital tiene el mismo nombre. Es pequeña población y pobre, situada en un parage alto donde el Frió es intensísimo, pasa inmediato a ella un río de que se aprovechan para los molinos en que muelen los minerales de plata, que aunque de la mejor calidad, son muy cortos: tiene un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, y dos haciendas grandes llamadas Huallanto Huallanga, en que hay esias y son anexas de este Curato: está 1 4 leguas de Huancabelica, 26 de Pisco y 60 de Lima. Long. 30 5, lat. merid. 13: los demas Pueblos de la Provincia son
Santa Ana.

CASURO, Río] de la Provincia y Pais de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses: corre al S SE y entra en el de Trombetas.

CAT, Isla de la Costa y Provincia de la Luisiana.

CATA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno


Olifo, and between the rivers of Great and Little

Castors, a port on the s. coast of Nova Scotia,
between the White isles and the port of Tangier.

CASTRO, a capital city of the province and
government of Chiloé in the kingdom of Chile;
peopled by the order of Don Lope Garcia de Cas-
tro, governor of Peru, who gave it his name in
1560 : it lies, between two small livers, and has a
good port; is inhabited by some good and opu-
lent families, and enjoys a pleasant ,and healthy
temperature. It is also called Chjloe, and is of a
regular and beautiful form ; has, besides the pa-
rish church, a convent of monks of St. Francis,
and a bishop auxiliary to that of Santiago. It was
.sacked by the Dutch in 1643 ; is 42 leagues s. of
the city of Osorno, in lat. 42° 40' s.

Castro, another capital city of the province and
government of Esmeraldas or Atacames in the king-
dom of Quito ; founded. in the valley of Fili by
Francisco Quintero, in 1586.

Castro, another settlement of the province and
cvrregimknto of Chillan in the kingdom of Chile ;
situate in the island of Maule, on the shore of the
river Longomilla.

Castro-Vireyna, a province and corregimiento
of Peru, bounded n. w. by the province ofCanete,
«. by that of Yauyos, n. e. by that of Angaraes,
and partly by the jurisdiction of Huamanga and
Huanta, m. by that of Vilcas Huaman, s. w. by
that of Lucanas, and s. s. w. and w. by that of
\^ca. It is uneven and barren, and its inhabi-
tants, on this account, amount scarcely to 6900,
although it is 22 leagues in length from e. to as,
and 25 in width n. to s. No mines have been dis-
covered here, nor are there any other roads to it
than merely such as are opened through passes in
the snow, or where no obstruction is ofered by
the copious streams which every where precipi-
tate themselves down from the mountains, and
which are particularly large in the rainy season,
which is from October to Slarch. Its productions
are wheat, maize, and potatoes; and in some
glens, where the cold is not so great, fruits and
cattle are extremely plentiful. Here are also lla~
mas, vicunas, and huanacos, the wool of which
they turn to some profit. This province is wa-
tered by rivers, some of which descend from the
provinces of the coast of the S. sea, and others
from the further side of the cordillera, running
towards the e. and entering the Maranon ; it is
also watered by the Canete, which rises from the
Chicha, and collects other streams in this province ;
by the Pisco, which rises from a lake called
.firacocha ; by the Yea, from the lake Choclo-

cocha ; and by the Calcamayo, which enters the
province of Vilcas Huaman. In all the waters of
this province, notwithstanding they are very abun-
dant, there is a great scarcity of fish, and without
doubt this arises from the cold which prevails
here. This province is but thinly peopled, and its
inhabitants are poor : they do not, we have heard,
amount to more than 7000 souls. It consists of six
curacies, to which there are 29 other settlements
annexed. Its yearly reparlimiento amounted to
86,400 dollars, and it paid an alcavala equal to
691 dollars. The capital is of the same name ; this
is a small and poor town, situate on a lofty spot,
where the cold is most intense : close to it runs a
river, which is made use of for working the mills
of the silver mines ; which, although they pro-
duce this metal of a good quality, they are by no
means well stocked with it. The town has a con-
vent of monks of St. Francis, and two large estates
called Huallanto and Huallanga, in which thera
are churches annexed to this curacy ; is 14 leagues
from Huancablica, 26 from Pisco, and 60 from

la. Long. 74° 44'. Lat. 13° 49' s. The

ements of the province












Santa Ana,





















Y anac.



CASUHATI, a mountam of the province and
governmemt of Buenos Ayres, on the shore of the
river Hueque Lenori.

CASURO, a river of the province and coun-
try of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese pos-
sessions: it runs s. s. e. and enters the Trom-

(CASWELL County, in Hillsborough district,
N. Carolina, borders on Virginia, n : it contains
10,096 inhabitants, of whom 2736 are slaves.
Leesburg is the chief town.)

(CAT Island, or Guanahani, one of the Ba-
hama islands
. See St. Salvador.)

CATA, a settlement of the province and govern-
