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18 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 14, 2024 09:07 PM



to meet you in April in New York, or Washington
and if things go on well at home, go from there down
to Lynchburg and stay a minute with John and either
there or elsewhere for us to pass another month until
I get ready to return, then come back here and
remain until Dec{abbreviation sign} and then quit for good? —
Or, meet you in England or Germany, and spend
my sixy days there. If I cross to America I have,
or can take 120 days. If I stay in Europe I can take
only 60 days. Of course this would protract
my ^final stay here on account of the money I would spend.
The most economical way of spending vacation, would
be, for me to go directly home, and stay there until
I got nearly ready to return; going and coming
would not cost me over $500, and my pay for the 120 days
would be $3,333. Then I could return, stay here until
Oct and draw pay for 40 days during my transit
in returning again home; though it would look a little mean
to treat the Gvrnt that way.

If I get through the winter well it seems
almost a duty to myself to travel, and change
my atmosphere; + employment and thus, rest. I always
improve by travel. I am quite anxious to go to Jerusalem


to meet you in [.....] in New York, or Washington
and if [t.....] go or [....] at home, go from there [.....]
to [S....] [try?] and stay a minute with [Johu?] and either
there or elsewhere for us to hop another [m...th] [...tie]
I get ready to return. Then come back here and
remain until Dec 2(?) and then quit for good? —
Or, meet you in England or Germany, and spend
my sixy days there. If I [...s] to America I [....],
or can take 120 days. If i stay in Europe I can take
only 60 days. Of course this needed(?) further(?)
My {carat:"final"} stay here on account of the money(?) I needed(?) ahead.
The most economical (?) was of scheduling vacation, would
be, for me to go directly home, and stay there until
I get nearly ready to [...]; Going and coming
would not cost over 500, and my pay for the 1000 days
would be 3,333. _Then I could return. Stay here until
[...] and draw pay for 40 days during my harvest(?)
in returning {carat:"again home;". Though it would look a little mean(?)
to herd(?) them South that way-
If I get through [...] miles will it seem
[al...] a duty to myself to track(?), and change
my almost have(?), enough payment(?) and thus, wish(?) I always
[mi...] head?_I am quite [...] to go to Jerusalem