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8 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 19, 2024 11:27 AM



at the expense of all congenial companionship. I feel sure she
could be contented from a few months here, even if
she did not compete with others in their expensive
enjoyments, that at last mean nothing of good.

In polatics{sic}, as in nature, a lull follows a storm;
so now, a mysterious secrecy shrouds all diplomacy.
Europe is awaiting a report from Japan, which will
not be here before next spring. We have had no
real winter yet -- no ice -- no frost -- pears, green
peas, cantelopes etc abundant yet, but grapes grow scarce.

I have had two marked diplomatic victories
in the last few days 1 -- An Iredi, direct from the Sultan,
requiring that a Turkish Officer who struck Mr. Hubbard
(a Missionary) in the face, (way over near Sivas,) should
go to the consul and apologise, and then be brought here
for punishment
. 2 -- An Acting Governor who invaded
the domicil{sic} of Mr. Lee, (another Missionary,) to be reproved
and removed, and a note from the Sublime Porte
expressing regret for both incidents.

But I feel annoyed -- for while performing the
four three horse bareback act, + pleasing myself, the
Government -- protecting the Missionaries, and preserving



at the expense of all congenial companionship. I feel sure she
could be contented from a few months here, even if
she did not compete with others in their expensive
enjoyments, that at last mean nothing of good.

In polatics{sic}, as in nature, a lull follows a storm;
so now, a mysterious secrecy shrouds all diplomacy.
Europe is awaiting a report from Japan, which will
not be here before next spring. We have had no
real winter yet -- no ice -- no frost -- pears, green
peas, cantelopes etc abundant yet, but grapes grow scarce.

I have had two marked diplomatic victories
in the last few days 1 -- An Iredi, direct from the Sultan,
requiring that a Turkish Officer who struck Mr. Hubbard
(a Missionary) in the face, (way over near Sivas,) should
go to the consul and apologise, and then be brought here
for punishment
. 2 -- An Acting Governor who invaded
the domicil{sic} of Mr. Lee, (another Missionary,) to be reproved
and removed, and a note from the Sublime Porte
expressing regret for both incidents.

But I feel annoyed -- for while performing the
four three horse? bareback act, + pleasing myself, the
Government -- protecting the Missionaries, and preserving