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7 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 14, 2024 03:40 PM



I propose to be even with the world by June and you
are right in saying that I cannot [.....] other
investments. It has cost me much money, and if it
will only rain, and let us have Old Time Texas
back again, I may spend yet on my farm a quiet
sun set. I had no idea of speculating in antiques
- but do count it a burning shame that when Texas
can supply her University with things, that no money
can buy elsewhere, and for a small cost, that Calverts
collection is not secured. It includes gold bracelets --
rings, ear rings + more 1200 BC. Columbia College
N York is about to excavate in Crete -- they will find
nothing perhaps older than the Mycen pottery, --
+ here is a collection the oldest, + connected direct
with Homeric Troy. Enough of that, it will go North.

I am glad that Lena enjoys her new life,
I had hoped to send her a bridal present
from the palace, + while waiting for it, neglected
to send one for myself.

You don't tell me, how does any one, if
you have moved back to town.


I [...] to be even with the world by June and you
are high in saying