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5 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 07, 2017 02:33 PM


work, and I am familiar not only
with the usual public school system,
but also with the work of manual
training schools, like the Rindge
Manual Training School, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. I understand the
construction and furnishing of laboratories
particularly for chemistry in all its
departments. I have also some knowledge
of draughting.

I was born in Salem, Massachusetts
in 1869, and was educated in the public school
of that city, entering Harvard College in 1888
from the Salem Classical School. While in
college, I lived with a relative in Boston.

I trust I may fit one of the positions
you are seeking to fill, and I should be pleased
to have you make farther investigation concerning

Yours respectfully,
Lyman Gorham Smith

{written upside-down with respect to the rest of the text, at the bottom of the page}


...work, and I am familiar not only
with the usual public school system,
but also with the work of manual
training schools, like the Ridge
Manual Training School, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. I understand the
construction and furnishing of laboratories
particularly for chemistry in all its
departments. I have also some knowledge
of draughting.

I was born in Salem, Massachusetts
in 1869, and was educated in the public school
of that city, entering Harvard College in 1888
from the Salem Classical School. While in
college, I lived with a relative in Boston.

I trust I may fit one of the positions
you are seeking to fill, and I should be pleased
to have you make farther investigation concerning

Yours respectfully,
Lyman Gorham Smith