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4 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 07, 2017 02:30 PM


the course given in psychology, at Harvard
by Professor Hugo Münsterberg of Leipsic.

I have a practical acquaintance
with the French language, for besides
studying it for a period extending over
four years and a half while in school and
college, I taught French at Andover,
and have had reason to use it consider--
ably in conversation.

I am a teacher of science, and chemistry
is my specialty. That study, with physics,
makes the most important part of my
work here. A great deal of time is devoted
to laboratory work, more indeed than that
in any other high school I know of, and
I believe that the quantity and quality
of the work done in chemistry is unus--
ual for an institution of this grade.
It nearly covers the work of two years
of college chemistry, for we give to


the course given in psychology, at Harvard
by Professor Heugo [Minstenberg?] of L....
I have a practical acquaintance
with the French language, for besides
studying it for a period extending over
four years and a half while in school and
college, I taught French at Andover
and have had reason to use it consider
ably in conversation.

I am a teacher of science, and henceby
is my specialty. That study, with physics,
makes the most important part of my
work here. A great deal of time is devoted
to laboratory work, more indeed than that
in any other high school I know of, and
I believe that the quantity and quality
of the work done in chemistry is [...s]
for an institution of this grade.
It nearly covers the work of two years
of college chemistry, for we give to...