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9 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Jan 24, 2021 01:47 PM


of our Honorable Minister and Government.
To both Dr. Metheny and Dr. Christie I have
written pacific and I hope prudent letters,
urging them to abide by what is lawful and
to commit no indiscretion, and hoping that
the demonstrations were aimed at Armenians
and not at Americans, but in deference to
their requests I have promised to bring these
matters to the attention of Minister Terrell,
and this I now do, their letters explaining

In this connection I beg to
acknowledge the receipt of your telegram
of the 15th instant, worded as follows:

"Minister will have telegram
"sent but says ascertain if the girls
"are Turkish subjects. If so, order them
"delivered on demand of the proper
"civil authorities"

This information I promptly
wired to Mr. Darse our Consular agent
at Mersine for his guidance. I also wrote
to Dr. Metheny for the information about
the nationality of the girls, and his answer
is contained in the letter, a copy of which


of our Honorable Minister and Government.
To both Dr. Metheny and Dr. Christie I have
written pacific and I hope prudent letters,
urging them to abide by what is lawful and
to commit no indiscretion, and hoping that
the demonstrations were aimed at Armenians
and not at Americans, but in deference to
their requests I have promised to bring these
matters to the attention of Minister Terrell,
and this I now do, their letters explaining

In this connection I beg to
acknowledge the receipt of your telegram
of the 15th instant, worded as follows:

"Minister will have telegram
"sent but says ascertain if the girls
"are Turkish subjects. If so, order them
"delivered on demand of the proper
"civil authorities"

This information I promptly
wired to Mr. Darse our Consular agent
at Mersine for his guidance. I also wrote
to Dr. Metheny for the information about
the nationality of the girls, and his answer
is contained in the letter, a copy of which